[FFmpeg-devel] autofate system

Andriy Gelman andriy.gelman at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 20:09:43 EEST 2020

On Wed, 07. Oct 09:59, Chris Miceli wrote:
> Hi Andriy,
> Thanks for letting me know that there is already something doing this. It
> was something which I thought would exist but I couldn't see it in my
> searching of the ffmpeg documentation.

> Something which would be nice is finding a way for us to tie the results
> back into the fate system, or to have the results of the fate system
> submitted back into patchwork.

For patchwork results can be published back with a post request if the user
permissions are setup correctly. 

> One more concern which I think is worth us investigating is multi-platform
> build reporting. Today, ffmpeg is run on a large variety of platforms with
> it seemingly growing with SoC computing becoming more popular. Being able
> to test releases and the tip of git on a wide range of these will help
> ensure that bugs are caught quickly and effectively.

origin/master is quite extensively tested on fate.ffmpeg.org. I don't know to what
extent past releases are tested.

Several people have asked for big-endian tests in patchwork. I'm hoping to add
these soon. Would be nice to also run the tests on arm (maybe once per patch series)
if you are interested.


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