[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 1/2] Revert "avformat/dashdec: refine adaptionset attribute members"

Steven Liu lq at chinaffmpeg.org
Sun Mar 29 02:09:03 EET 2020

> 2020年3月29日 上午8:05,Steven Liu <lq at chinaffmpeg.org> 写道:
>> 2020年3月29日 上午8:03,Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt at gmail.com> 写道:
>> Steven Liu:
>>>> 2020年3月29日 上午7:48,Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt at gmail.com> 写道:
>>>> Steven Liu:
>>>>> This reverts commit e134c20374ee3cbc6d04885d306b02c9871683a2.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Steven Liu <lq at chinaffmpeg.org>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> libavformat/dashdec.c | 27 ---------------------------
>>>>> 1 file changed, 27 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/libavformat/dashdec.c b/libavformat/dashdec.c
>>>>> index 5bbe5d3985..271202b0a5 100644
>>>>> --- a/libavformat/dashdec.c
>>>>> +++ b/libavformat/dashdec.c
>>>>> @@ -122,19 +122,6 @@ struct representation {
>>>>> typedef struct DASHContext {
>>>>>   const AVClass *class;
>>>>>   char *base_url;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_contenttype_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_par_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_lang_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_minbw_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_maxbw_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_minwidth_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_maxwidth_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_minheight_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_maxheight_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_minframerate_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_maxframerate_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_segmentalignment_val;
>>>>> -    char *adaptionset_bitstreamswitching_val;
>>>>>   int n_videos;
>>>>>   struct representation **videos;
>>>>> @@ -1124,26 +1111,12 @@ static int parse_manifest_adaptationset(AVFormatContext *s, const char *url,
>>>>>                                       xmlNodePtr period_segmentlist_node)
>>>>> {
>>>>>   int ret = 0;
>>>>> -    DASHContext *c = s->priv_data;
>>>>>   xmlNodePtr fragment_template_node = NULL;
>>>>>   xmlNodePtr content_component_node = NULL;
>>>>>   xmlNodePtr adaptionset_baseurl_node = NULL;
>>>>>   xmlNodePtr adaptionset_segmentlist_node = NULL;
>>>>>   xmlNodePtr adaptionset_supplementalproperty_node = NULL;
>>>>>   xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_contenttype_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "contentType");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_par_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "par");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_lang_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "lang");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_minbw_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "minBandwidth");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_maxbw_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "maxBandwidth");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_minwidth_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "minWidth");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_maxwidth_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "maxWidth");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_minheight_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "minHeight");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_maxheight_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "maxHeight");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_minframerate_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "minFrameRate");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_maxframerate_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "maxFrameRate");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_segmentalignment_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "segmentAlignment");
>>>>> -    c->adaptionset_bitstreamswitching_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "bitstreamSwitching");
>>>>>   node = xmlFirstElementChild(adaptionset_node);
>>>>>   while (node) {
>>>> Is there a reason you are not simply using my patch for this? It has a
>>>> better commit message. Do you mind if I apply my patch?
>>> This is revert, your patch is delete, isn't it?
>> My patch has the same diff as yours. Given that the patch to be reverted
>> didn't delete anything, its revert just removes lines and doesn't add
>> any old lines back.
> No, your patch is a patch commit, this is a git revert, this can revert the old commit, your patch can save old commit.
After revert, you cannot find the commit use git log

But after your patch, you can find the commit use git log

>> - Andreas
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> Thanks
> Steven Liu


Steven Liu

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