[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avformat/dashdec: Don't allocate and leak strings that are never used

Steven Liu lq at chinaffmpeg.org
Mon Mar 16 16:00:00 EET 2020

> 2020年3月16日 下午9:54,Nicolas George <george at nsup.org> 写道:
> Steven Liu (12020-03-16):
>> That is not without review, that is all of you have no interested in
>> it, and I’m the maintainer of it.
>> So I know what I want to do.
> This commit was bad. Take your responsibilities. Maintaining a piece of
> code is not a license to produce poor code.
Yes, You can rewrite dashdec and maintaining it, if you don’t do it, you can make it complete too, patch welcome.

To Andreas,
	you can add xmlFree for fix the memleak wherever, I will make it complete this week.
	This code at here have many days, so wait it some days, it’s not busy to be removed one week.
> Regards,
> -- 
>  Nicolas George

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