[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] lavc/ac3dec: disable DRC by default

Derek Buitenhuis derek.buitenhuis at gmail.com
Sun Feb 2 00:09:11 EET 2020

On 01/02/2020 22:02, rcombs wrote:
>> Because the spec defines what is de facto - it is what defines what AC-3 *is*.
>> You are choosing to ignore it here because you don't like what's in it.
> This is "de jure"; "de facto" means how it's actually implemented in practice.

Woops, yes, you are correct. I misused the phrase.

I stand by my reasoning, however.

>> Own decoder from where? Is it officially Dolby branded, or is this Apple again?
> Their own decoder IP and reference tool; it's non-public, and it's what Apple's is built on top of.

Most proprietary AC-3 decoders are, to my knowledge - it comes with the IP licensing
package or something. But the vendor (Apple) in this case, may change things. This is
why I specifically asked for Dolby branded or endorsed decoders - to my knowledge,
Apple's AudioToolbox is neither of those.

- Derek

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