[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avformat/hlsenc: check the segment duration valid

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Mon Aug 17 12:24:47 EEST 2020

Steven Liu (12020-08-17):
> When hls muxer have beed support split_by_time flag add, the 8216 have
> not beed release,
> and there have some guys order this feature, for example me.
> And I saw lots of people are using this flag, so this maybe cannot be
> removed now.
> So I think give a warning message and modify it to one packet duration is ok.

No, it is not ok until we understand properly the problem.

Have you observed the timestamps and type of several packets around the
issue, plus the places where the muxer chooses to split?

If yes, then please show the result; even better include it in the
commit message.

If no, then your analysis of the issue is way too shallow to judge
whether this is a proper fix.


  Nicolas George
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