[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/2] ffmpeg: add disable_all_auto_conversion_filters option.

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Mon Aug 17 00:03:58 EEST 2020

Alexander Strasser (12020-08-16):
> This was uncalled for and not nice at all!

I will be correct, but I'm done being nice with him.

> It's neither good for you nor the community.

Do you honestly consider wrongs are balanced in this whole mess? Because
if wrongs are not balanced, there is only one thing good for the
community: saying it clearly and acting on it.

> There is nothing wrong with supporting another opinion like Paul did
> support the opinion voiced by Marton.

There is nothing right, either, in replying to a message that gives
reasons for exactly the same objection without giving new arguments.

Case in point: you replied, but you gave new reasons. Your mail was


  Nicolas George
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