[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavcodec/j2kenc: Support for all Progression orders

gautamramk at gmail.com gautamramk at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 20:39:32 EEST 2020

From: Gautam Ramakrishnan <gautamramk at gmail.com>

This patch allows for selecting the progression order
in the j2k encoder. However, all components and resolution
levels will use the same progression order and will not
feature the use of progression order change markers.
 libavcodec/j2kenc.c | 223 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 222 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/j2kenc.c b/libavcodec/j2kenc.c
index fad013521b..16863f8e8c 100644
--- a/libavcodec/j2kenc.c
+++ b/libavcodec/j2kenc.c
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ typedef struct {
     int pred;
     int sop;
     int eph;
+    int prog;
 } Jpeg2000EncoderContext;
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ static int put_cod(Jpeg2000EncoderContext *s)
         scod |= JPEG2000_CSTY_EPH;
     bytestream_put_byte(&s->buf, scod);  // Scod
     // SGcod
-    bytestream_put_byte(&s->buf, 0); // progression level
+    bytestream_put_byte(&s->buf, s->prog); // progression level
     bytestream_put_be16(&s->buf, 1); // num of layers
     if(s->avctx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P){
         bytestream_put_byte(&s->buf, 0); // unspecified
@@ -837,8 +838,21 @@ static int encode_packets(Jpeg2000EncoderContext *s, Jpeg2000Tile *tile, int til
     Jpeg2000CodingStyle *codsty = &s->codsty;
     Jpeg2000QuantStyle  *qntsty = &s->qntsty;
     int packetno = 0;
+    int step_x, step_y;
+    int x, y;
+    int tile_coord[2][2];
+    int col = tileno % s->numXtiles;
+    int row = tileno / s->numXtiles;
+    tile_coord[0][0] = col * s->tile_width;
+    tile_coord[0][1] = FFMIN(tile_coord[0][0] + s->tile_width, s->width);
+    tile_coord[1][0] = row * s->tile_height;
+    tile_coord[1][1] = FFMIN(tile_coord[1][0] + s->tile_height, s->height);
     av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "tier2\n");
     // lay-rlevel-comp-pos progression
+    switch (s->prog) {
+    case JPEG2000_PGOD_LRCP:
     for (reslevelno = 0; reslevelno < codsty->nreslevels; reslevelno++){
         for (compno = 0; compno < s->ncomponents; compno++){
             int precno;
@@ -850,6 +864,207 @@ static int encode_packets(Jpeg2000EncoderContext *s, Jpeg2000Tile *tile, int til
+    break;
+    case JPEG2000_PGOD_RLCP:
+    for (reslevelno = 0; reslevelno < codsty->nreslevels; reslevelno++){
+        for (compno = 0; compno < s->ncomponents; compno++){
+            int precno;
+            Jpeg2000ResLevel *reslevel = s->tile[tileno].comp[compno].reslevel + reslevelno;
+            for (precno = 0; precno < reslevel->num_precincts_x * reslevel->num_precincts_y; precno++){
+                if ((ret = encode_packet(s, reslevel, precno, qntsty->expn + (reslevelno ? 3*reslevelno-2 : 0),
+                              qntsty->nguardbits, packetno++)) < 0)
+                    return ret;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    break;
+    case JPEG2000_PGOD_RPCL:
+    for (reslevelno = 0; reslevelno < codsty->nreslevels; reslevelno++) {
+        int precno;
+        step_x = 30;
+        step_y = 30;
+        for (compno = 0; compno < s->ncomponents; compno++) {
+            Jpeg2000Component *comp     = tile->comp + compno;
+            if (reslevelno < codsty->nreslevels) {
+                uint8_t reducedresno = codsty->nreslevels - 1 -reslevelno; //  ==> N_L - r
+                Jpeg2000ResLevel *rlevel = comp->reslevel + reslevelno;
+                step_x = FFMIN(step_x, rlevel->log2_prec_width  + reducedresno);
+                step_y = FFMIN(step_y, rlevel->log2_prec_height + reducedresno);
+            }
+        }
+        step_x = 1<<step_x;
+        step_y = 1<<step_y;
+        for (y = tile_coord[1][0]; y < tile_coord[1][1]; y = (y/step_y + 1)*step_y) {
+            for (x = tile_coord[0][0]; x < tile_coord[0][1]; x = (x/step_x + 1)*step_x) {
+                for (compno = 0; compno < s->ncomponents; compno++) {
+                    Jpeg2000Component *comp     = tile->comp + compno;
+                    uint8_t reducedresno = codsty->nreslevels - 1 -reslevelno; //  ==> N_L - r
+                    Jpeg2000ResLevel *reslevel = comp->reslevel + reslevelno;
+                    int log_subsampling[2] = { compno?s->chroma_shift[0]:0, compno?s->chroma_shift[1]:0};
+                    unsigned prcx, prcy;
+                    int trx0, try0;
+                    trx0 = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(tile_coord[0][0], log_subsampling[0] + reducedresno);
+                    try0 = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(tile_coord[1][0], log_subsampling[1] + reducedresno);
+                    if (!(y % ((uint64_t)1 << (reslevel->log2_prec_height + reducedresno + log_subsampling[1])) == 0 ||
+                        (y == tile_coord[1][0] && (try0 << reducedresno) % (1U << (reducedresno + reslevel->log2_prec_height)))))
+                        continue;
+                    if (!(x % ((uint64_t)1 << (reslevel->log2_prec_width + reducedresno + log_subsampling[0])) == 0 ||
+                        (x == tile_coord[0][0] && (trx0 << reducedresno) % (1U << (reducedresno + reslevel->log2_prec_width)))))
+                        continue;
+                    // check if a precinct exists
+                    prcx   = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(x, log_subsampling[0] + reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_width;
+                    prcy   = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(y, log_subsampling[1] + reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_height;
+                    prcx  -= ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(comp->coord_o[0][0], reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_width;
+                    prcy  -= ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(comp->coord_o[1][0], reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_height;
+                    precno = prcx + reslevel->num_precincts_x * prcy;
+                    if (prcx >= reslevel->num_precincts_x || prcy >= reslevel->num_precincts_y) {
+                        av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "prc %d %d outside limits %d %d\n",
+                               prcx, prcy, reslevel->num_precincts_x, reslevel->num_precincts_y);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    if ((ret = encode_packet(s, reslevel, precno, qntsty->expn + (reslevelno ? 3*reslevelno-2 : 0),
+                              qntsty->nguardbits, packetno++)) < 0)
+                        return ret;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+    }
+    break;
+    case JPEG2000_PGOD_PCRL:
+        step_x = 32;
+        step_y = 32;
+        for (compno = 0; compno < s->ncomponents; compno++) {
+            Jpeg2000Component *comp     = tile->comp + compno;
+            for (reslevelno = 0; reslevelno < codsty->nreslevels; reslevelno++) {
+                uint8_t reducedresno = codsty->nreslevels - 1 -reslevelno; //  ==> N_L - r
+                Jpeg2000ResLevel *rlevel = comp->reslevel + reslevelno;
+                step_x = FFMIN(step_x, rlevel->log2_prec_width  + reducedresno);
+                step_y = FFMIN(step_y, rlevel->log2_prec_height + reducedresno);
+            }
+        }
+        if (step_x >= 31 || step_y >= 31){
+            avpriv_request_sample(s->avctx, "PCRL with large step");
+            return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;
+        }
+        step_x = 1<<step_x;
+        step_y = 1<<step_y;
+        for (y = tile_coord[1][0]; y < tile_coord[1][1]; y = (y/step_y + 1)*step_y) {
+            for (x = tile_coord[0][0]; x < tile_coord[0][1]; x = (x/step_x + 1)*step_x) {
+                for (compno = 0; compno < s->ncomponents; compno++) {
+                    Jpeg2000Component *comp     = tile->comp + compno;
+                    int log_subsampling[2] = { compno?s->chroma_shift[0]:0, compno?s->chroma_shift[1]:0};
+                    for (reslevelno = 0; reslevelno < codsty->nreslevels; reslevelno++) {
+                        unsigned prcx, prcy;
+                        int precno;
+                        uint8_t reducedresno = codsty->nreslevels - 1 -reslevelno; //  ==> N_L - r
+                        Jpeg2000ResLevel *reslevel = comp->reslevel + reslevelno;
+                        int trx0, try0;
+                        trx0 = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(tile_coord[0][0], log_subsampling[0] + reducedresno);
+                        try0 = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(tile_coord[1][0], log_subsampling[1] + reducedresno);
+                        if (!(y % ((uint64_t)1 << (reslevel->log2_prec_height + reducedresno + log_subsampling[1])) == 0 ||
+                            (y == tile_coord[1][0] && (try0 << reducedresno) % (1U << (reducedresno + reslevel->log2_prec_height)))))
+                            continue;
+                        if (!(x % ((uint64_t)1 << (reslevel->log2_prec_width + reducedresno + log_subsampling[0])) == 0 ||
+                            (x == tile_coord[0][0] && (trx0 << reducedresno) % (1U << (reducedresno + reslevel->log2_prec_width)))))
+                            continue;
+                        // check if a precinct exists
+                        prcx   = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(x, log_subsampling[0] + reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_width;
+                        prcy   = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(y, log_subsampling[1] + reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_height;
+                        prcx  -= ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(comp->coord_o[0][0], reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_width;
+                        prcy  -= ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(comp->coord_o[1][0], reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_height;
+                        precno = prcx + reslevel->num_precincts_x * prcy;
+                        if (prcx >= reslevel->num_precincts_x || prcy >= reslevel->num_precincts_y) {
+                            av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "prc %d %d outside limits %d %d\n",
+                                   prcx, prcy, reslevel->num_precincts_x, reslevel->num_precincts_y);
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        if ((ret = encode_packet(s, reslevel, precno, qntsty->expn + (reslevelno ? 3*reslevelno-2 : 0),
+                                  qntsty->nguardbits, packetno++)) < 0)
+                            return ret;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    break;
+    case JPEG2000_PGOD_CPRL:
+        for (compno = 0; compno < s->ncomponents; compno++) {
+            Jpeg2000Component *comp     = tile->comp + compno;
+            int log_subsampling[2] = { compno?s->chroma_shift[0]:0, compno?s->chroma_shift[1]:0};
+            step_x = 32;
+            step_y = 32;
+            for (reslevelno = 0; reslevelno < codsty->nreslevels; reslevelno++) {
+                uint8_t reducedresno = codsty->nreslevels - 1 -reslevelno; //  ==> N_L - r
+                Jpeg2000ResLevel *rlevel = comp->reslevel + reslevelno;
+                step_x = FFMIN(step_x, rlevel->log2_prec_width  + reducedresno);
+                step_y = FFMIN(step_y, rlevel->log2_prec_height + reducedresno);
+            }
+            if (step_x >= 31 || step_y >= 31){
+                avpriv_request_sample(s->avctx, "CPRL with large step");
+                return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;
+            }
+            step_x = 1<<step_x;
+            step_y = 1<<step_y;
+            for (y = tile_coord[1][0]; y < tile_coord[1][1]; y = (y/step_y + 1)*step_y) {
+                for (x = tile_coord[0][0]; x < tile_coord[0][1]; x = (x/step_x + 1)*step_x) {
+                    for (reslevelno = 0; reslevelno < codsty->nreslevels; reslevelno++) {
+                        unsigned prcx, prcy;
+                        int precno;
+                        int trx0, try0;
+                        uint8_t reducedresno = codsty->nreslevels - 1 -reslevelno; //  ==> N_L - r
+                        Jpeg2000ResLevel *reslevel = comp->reslevel + reslevelno;
+                        trx0 = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(tile_coord[0][0], log_subsampling[0] + reducedresno);
+                        try0 = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(tile_coord[1][0], log_subsampling[1] + reducedresno);
+                        if (!(y % ((uint64_t)1 << (reslevel->log2_prec_height + reducedresno + log_subsampling[1])) == 0 ||
+                            (y == tile_coord[1][0] && (try0 << reducedresno) % (1U << (reducedresno + reslevel->log2_prec_height)))))
+                            continue;
+                        if (!(x % ((uint64_t)1 << (reslevel->log2_prec_width + reducedresno + log_subsampling[0])) == 0 ||
+                            (x == tile_coord[0][0] && (trx0 << reducedresno) % (1U << (reducedresno + reslevel->log2_prec_width)))))
+                            continue;
+                        // check if a precinct exists
+                        prcx   = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(x, log_subsampling[0] + reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_width;
+                        prcy   = ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(y, log_subsampling[1] + reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_height;
+                        prcx  -= ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(comp->coord_o[0][0], reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_width;
+                        prcy  -= ff_jpeg2000_ceildivpow2(comp->coord_o[1][0], reducedresno) >> reslevel->log2_prec_height;
+                        precno = prcx + reslevel->num_precincts_x * prcy;
+                        if (prcx >= reslevel->num_precincts_x || prcy >= reslevel->num_precincts_y) {
+                            av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "prc %d %d outside limits %d %d\n",
+                                   prcx, prcy, reslevel->num_precincts_x, reslevel->num_precincts_y);
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        if ((ret = encode_packet(s, reslevel, precno, qntsty->expn + (reslevelno ? 3*reslevelno-2 : 0),
+                                  qntsty->nguardbits, packetno++)) < 0)
+                            return ret;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
     av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "after tier2\n");
     return 0;
@@ -1261,6 +1476,12 @@ static const AVOption options[] = {
     { "dwt53",         NULL,                0,                     AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = 0           }, INT_MIN, INT_MAX,       VE, "pred"        },
     { "sop",           "SOP marker",        OFFSET(sop),           AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   { .i64 = 0           }, 0,         1,           VE, },
     { "eph",           "EPH marker",        OFFSET(eph),           AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   { .i64 = 0           }, 0,         1,           VE, },
+    { "prog",          "Progression Order", OFFSET(prog),          AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   { .i64 = 0           }, JPEG2000_PGOD_LRCP,         JPEG2000_PGOD_CPRL,           VE, "prog" },
+    { "lrcp",          NULL,                OFFSET(prog),          AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,   { .i64 = JPEG2000_PGOD_LRCP           }, 0,         0,           VE, "prog" },
+    { "rlcp",          NULL,                OFFSET(prog),          AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,   { .i64 = JPEG2000_PGOD_RLCP            }, 0,         0,           VE, "prog" },
+    { "rpcl",          NULL,                OFFSET(prog),          AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,   { .i64 = JPEG2000_PGOD_RPCL            }, 0,         0,           VE, "prog" },
+    { "pcrl",          NULL,                OFFSET(prog),          AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,   { .i64 = JPEG2000_PGOD_PCRL            }, 0,         0,           VE, "prog" },
+    { "cprl",          NULL,                OFFSET(prog),          AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST,   { .i64 = JPEG2000_PGOD_CPRL            }, 0,         0,           VE, "prog" },
     { NULL }

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