[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2] libavcodec/libx264: fix reference frame computation based on level

Fu, Linjie linjie.fu at intel.com
Sat Apr 18 05:55:06 EEST 2020

> From: ffmpeg-devel <ffmpeg-devel-bounces at ffmpeg.org> On Behalf Of
> Josh Brewster
> Hi Linjie, thanks for the feedback. I have changed the patch to use the right
> parameter. I only made sure that the level was positive because its initial
> value was -1.
> > else if (x4->params.i_level_idc >= 0) {
> Let me know if I need to reject 0 too. It seemed like premature optimization
> as the level simply wouldn't be present in x264_levels.
I'd say yes, level_idc = 0 is possible but invalid by PARSE_X264_OPT(), which  seems
make no sense to calculate refs from x264_levels[] table.

- Linjie

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