[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/4] lavfi/formats: add ff_formats_pixdesc_filter().

Derek Buitenhuis derek.buitenhuis at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 22:00:39 EEST 2020

On 16/04/2020 17:48, Nicolas George wrote:
> Derek Buitenhuis (12020-04-16):
>> (Just a commnt out of curiosity.)
>> Are there more filters than vf_crop that this is intended to be used on?
> I said:
>>> I need it in new code.

It wasn't clear to me what 'new code' entailed here, at the time.

> It is to be a filter that has constraints similar to vf_crop.
> But also, ff_all_formats() can be implemented in terms of this function,
> which makes it more efficient (there was an old thread about this).
> Also, I just checked: all these filters do a similar thing in their
> query_formats() function, which means this should have been done years
> ago. I don't intend to change them all, anybody can do it.
> vf_boxblur.c
> vf_copy.c
> vf_detelecine.c
> vf_fieldhint.c
> vf_fieldorder.c
> vf_hflip.c
> vf_hwdownload.c
> vf_il.c
> vf_mix.c
> vf_noise.c
> vf_stack.c
> vf_swaprect.c
> vf_swapuv.c
> vf_telecine.c
> vf_transpose.c
> vf_weave.c

Thanks for the info!

- Derek

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