[FFmpeg-devel] [Patch] beautified + accelerated vf_fillborders – Please review

Nicolas George george at nsup.org
Tue Mar 26 16:48:19 EET 2019

Ulf Zibis (12019-03-26):
> Do you mean the following option? Unfortunately I still see only 1 run.
> I know, that it works with "-vf -loop=loop=1024:size=1:start=0", but I
> ask, because I want to understand the purpose of the shorter option
> "-loop number".
> ./ffmpeg-p7b -y -i debug/8.jpg -loop 1024 -vf
> fillborders=25:25:25:25:mirror debug/ZZ_8_mirror-25-25-25-25.jpg

Are you trying to benchmark the JPEG encoder? If not, do not use the
JPEG encoder, use no encoder at all.

Are you trying to benchmark the image2 muxer? If not, do not use the
image2 muxer, use no muxer at all.

Are you trying to benchmark the JPEG decoder? If not, do not use the
JPEG decoder, use the "color" filter source, or, if the test requires
non-trivial content to be relevant, prepare a rawvideo input.

Most of all: use common sense!


  Nicolas George
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