[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCHv2] avcodec/nvenc: Reconfigure resolution on-the-fly

Oliver Collyer ovcollyer at mac.com
Fri Mar 8 09:44:25 EET 2019

>>> To use this feature you would need to:
>>> 1. Specify max_width and max_height before opening the encoder
>> Can't they be set to a maximum number to be as flexible as possible?
> It would allocate the output surfaces to this size if we took that approach and I don’t think that is particularly sensible given this feature a pretty edge use case?
>>> +            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE,
>>> +                "resolution change: %d x %d -> %d x %d\n",
>>> +                params.reInitEncodeParams.encodeWidth,
>>> +                params.reInitEncodeParams.encodeHeight,
>>> +                (uint32_t)avctx->width,
>>> +                (uint32_t)avctx->height);
>> These casts look strange and should be unneeded.
> No idea where those came from, I blame my fingers. Will remove.

V2 attached, with cast removed.

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