[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 0/3] Enable peak and average bandwidth to be added to HLS manifest files

Amit Kale amitk at hotstar.com
Fri Sep 28 08:59:48 EEST 2018


I am sending patches correct bandwidth values in the HLS manifest files output by ffmpeg. These are currently based on average bandwidth. These patches enable the bandwidth values to be calculated based on the number of bytes present in each stream in each segment file.
1/3 - Fix computation of vs->start_pos.
2/3 - Adds a new hls_flag peak_segment_bw. This flag causes peak bandwidths to be output in an HLS master manifest file.
3/3 - Adds a new hls_flag avg_bw. Implies peak_segment_bw. This flag adds average bandwidths to be added to HLS master manifest files.


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