[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavfilter: scale_cuda filter adds dynamic command values

msanders marksanders at protonmail.com
Mon Nov 26 20:09:02 EET 2018


This patch adds command support for dynamic change the size in the “scale_cuda” resize filter. In fact, it’s the first GPU filter accepting realtime commands. Using similar changes it’s possible to port it to other hwaccelerators. The only limitation is that the values cannot exceed the initial values. It is therefore necessary to set up the graph with the higher values you may need.

One example: { -filter_complex "scale_cuda=720:576,hwdownload,format=nv12,zmq" }
And then you can use the <c> or ZMQ messages to change the width and/or height.

Warning: This patch requires, to have sense, to apply too this other patch that fixes the hwdownload filter.
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