[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Make the user help mailing lists subscription only

Lou Logan lou at lrcd.com
Wed Jul 18 01:43:26 EEST 2018

I'm considering changing the ffmpeg-user and libav-user mailing lists to only accept messages from subscribed users. ffmpeg-devel would be excluded from this due to the higher familiarity of mailing lists with that audience. Currently anyone can send a message to the *-user mailing lists. Although in theory this promotes ease of use and a feeling of openness, but in reality it often results in confusion, wasted effort, and extra work.

* Messages from non-subscribed users are always delayed in the moderation queue (sometimes for days or even weeks), and although the user gets a message indicating this, often they just assume their message has simply vanished into the ether. Sometimes they re-send multiple times causing duplicates.

* Users will often send, subscribe, re-send to avoid the queue wait, but without canceling their original queued message resulting in duplicates.

* Non-subscribed users sometimes assume that they will directly receive the replies to their messages, but this is not the case. So if the question is answered the user may be unaware of the reply. Subscribed users receive all messages to the mailing list.

* We spend our time providing answers that the user may never actually see (mostly because of the previous point). This isn't always the case of course, but it is probably a significant percentage. This is the most important point in my opinion.

* Should be less work for the moderation queue monkey.

Any comments, flames, bikesheds?

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