[FFmpeg-devel] [mpegaudio_parser] Skip trailing junk data when flushing parser.

Dale Curtis dalecurtis at chromium.org
Fri Feb 23 20:37:10 EET 2018

After some deeper testing it looks like this mechanism can actually fully
replace the existing ID3 and APE tag skips; so I've simplified the patch to
do so.

- dale

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 4:46 PM, Dale Curtis <dalecurtis at chromium.org>

> The parser should only return valid mpeg audio packets; it generally
> does so, but in the case of flush, it returns whatever happens to
> be in the buffer instead of ensuring its first a valid mpeg packet.
> The fix is to check whether a valid frame size has been parsed and
> if not discard the packet when flushing.
> This should fix all sorts of mp3 files with trailing garbage.
> Signed-off-by: Dale Curtis <dalecurtis at chromium.org>
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