[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavcodec/qsvenc_hevc: correction for QSV HEVC default plugin selection on Windows

Landgraph admin at landgraph.ru
Wed Dec 5 22:22:52 EET 2018

Hi All,

This is my first commit to ffmpeg, what should I do to merge it?

Do we have any reasons to not merge this?


23.10.2018 10:14, Li, Zhong пишет:
>> From: ffmpeg-devel [mailto:ffmpeg-devel-bounces at ffmpeg.org] On Behalf
>> Of Maxym Dmytrychenko
>> Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2018 3:36 AM
>> To: ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org
>> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavcodec/qsvenc_hevc: correction for
>> QSV HEVC default plugin selection on Windows
>> On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 6:43 PM Mark Thompson <sw at jkqxz.net> wrote:
>>> On 06/10/18 07:21, Landgraph wrote:
>>>> 1. Old logic meaned: everywhere, except Windows, ffmpeg has to use
>>>> HW
>>> acceleration, but on Windows ffmpeg has to use (unavailable) software
>>> encode by default
>>>> 2. Software encode is available only if you provide corresponding
>>> software MediaSDK library, which isn't provided with ffmpeg. More
>>> information could be found in
>> https://github.com/Intel-Media-SDK/MediaSDK/blob/master/doc/samples/r
>> e
>>> adme-encode_linux.pdf
>>>> 3. HW encode is available on Windows in the driver by default
>>> This has been proposed before - I can't find the original discussion
>>> (maybe it was on IRC), but I did find <
>> https://lists.libav.org/pipermail/libav-devel/2016-November/080419.html>.
>>> The reason for not doing it is that a subset of the Intel drivers
>>> segfault immediately when the hardware plugin is loaded on some
>>> platforms.  That's a pain for anyone wanting to support diverse
>>> systems, so the decision was to continue to load the sw plugin by
>>> default so it doesn't crash (even if the software plugin isn't
>>> present), and leave the non-default case as the crashing one so the user
>> has to do something to trigger it.
>>> If you can characterise either the set of platforms it crashes on or a
>>> set of platforms it definitely works on then maybe we could
>>> conditionally change the default behaviour?
>>> - Mark
>> it was 2 years old discussion and with early drivers (we even had this
>> development a bit ahead of general driver availability) now it should be
>> working on most of the platforms - I would suggest to make a positive side.
> Basically, HEVC HW encoding should be the default case if HW platform can support.
> If crashed with some specified drivers, thus should be a driver issue instead of hiding it in ffmpeg level.
> So, I agree with Maxym and the patch LGTM.
> (Of course, if we can verified on the platforms which was crashed as two years ago,
> that should be fine. However, IMHO this is not MUST. If it is still crash, reporting a bug to the driver developer should be the right way.)
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