[FFmpeg-devel] [LDP] FFmpeg at LinuxDays 2018 in Prague

Thilo Borgmann thilo.borgmann at mail.de
Fri Aug 31 22:46:08 EEST 2018

Hi all,

FFmpeg been accepted for a booth at the LinuxDays 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic during October 6th to 7th!

We've made contact during this years CLT. This is our first attendance to this end-user conference that has a similar program like the Linux Days in Chemnitz - means mainly booths and talks as well as a lot of users and fellow open-source projects. Find detailed information here:


Currently, I'm the only staff member registered - any other developer is welcome to join in! Prague is quite affordable regarding travel & accomodation, so don't hesitate if you've interest in coming.

Hope to meet you there!


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