[FFmpeg-devel] CoC enforcement activated

Compn tempn at mi.rr.com
Sun Dec 17 22:36:53 EET 2017


5 Code of conduct

Be friendly and respectful towards others and third parties. Treat
others the way you yourself want to be treated. 

Be considerate. Not everyone shares the same viewpoint and priorities
as you do. Different opinions and interpretations help the project.
Looking at issues from a different perspective assists development. 

Do not assume malice for things that can be attributed to incompetence.
Even if it is malice, it’s rarely good to start with that as initial

Stay friendly even if someone acts contrarily. Everyone has a bad day
once in a while. If you yourself have a bad day or are angry then try
to take a break and reply once you are calm and without anger if you
have to. 

Try to help other team members and cooperate if you can. 

The goal of software development is to create technical excellence, not
for any individual to be better and "win" against the others. Large
software projects are only possible and successful through teamwork. 

If someone struggles do not put them down. Give them a helping hand
instead and point them in the right direction. 

Finally, keep in mind the immortal words of Bill and Ted, "Be excellent
to each other."


enough fighting on the mailing list.

emergency moderation has now been enabled.

why do i have to enforce the COC?

the ffmpeg-devel mailing list is for technical discussions of
developing ffmpeg. personal insults will not be tolerated.


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