[FFmpeg-devel] avfilter/x86/vf_interlace : fix crash if unaligned data (ticket 6491)

Martin Vignali martin.vignali at gmail.com
Thu Dec 14 18:01:15 EET 2017


in attach patch to fix crash using this command line
./ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=s=hd1080,format=yuv420p -vf
crop=1440:1080,interlace -f null -
(ticket 6491)

Use unaligned load, to avoid crash

Doesn't fix crash when using low_pass_complex :
./ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=s=hd1080,format=yuv420p -vf
crop=1440:1080,interlace=lowpass=2 -f null -

This "second" crash seems to be also in the asm part (doesn't happen for
me, when using -cpuflags 0)

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