[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 2/3] lavfi/loudnorm: add an internal libebur128 library

Marton Balint cus at passwd.hu
Fri Nov 11 00:16:52 EET 2016

On Thu, 10 Nov 2016, Kyle Swanson wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Kyle Swanson <k at ylo.ph> wrote:
> These patches look good to me. If we're going to do this, we really
> need to keep the true peak mode in the libebur128 port. This is a huge
> part of the R128 spec, and it's important that it stays in. Of course
> redundant code is bad, so we'll need to update f_ebur128 as well
> (which has a true peak requirement.) I already have a patch for
> f_ebur128. Marton, it might be easier for you to update the patch to
> include true peak mode but I could do it as well. It'd be interesting
> to benchmark the libebur128 FIR resampler vs. swresample.

I'd rather push the patch as it is, then if you are interested, you can 
start working on true peak. OK?

Since true peak calculation is so entirely different from loudness 
calculation, you might also create a separate API/Context for it. 
Just beacuse both loudness measurement and true peak is referenced in EBU 
R128 recommendation, we don't necessarily have to use the same API for 
them. For example, for true peak measurement, you might want to specify 
the oversampling factor, but not the channel layout...


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