[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] vf_colorspace: add floyd-steinberg dithering option to full conversion.

Pascal Massimino pascal.massimino at gmail.com
Tue May 3 19:25:01 CEST 2016

hi Ronald,

On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 7:34 AM, Ronald S. Bultje <rsbultje at gmail.com> wrote:

> ---
>  doc/filters.texi                     |  13 ++++
>  libavfilter/colorspacedsp.c          |  12 ++++
>  libavfilter/colorspacedsp.h          |   6 ++
>  libavfilter/colorspacedsp_template.c | 128
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  libavfilter/vf_colorspace.c          |  53 ++++++++++++++-
>  5 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/doc/filters.texi b/doc/filters.texi
> index b17b115..98a002b 100644
> --- a/doc/filters.texi
> +++ b/doc/filters.texi
> @@ -5104,6 +5104,19 @@ YUV 4:4:4 planar 12-bits
>  Do a fast conversion, which skips gamma/primary correction. This will take
>  significantly less CPU, but will be mathematically incorrect. To get
> output
>  compatible with that produced by the colormatrix filter, use fast=1.
> +
> + at item dither
> +Specify dithering mode.
> +
> +The accepted values are:
> + at table @samp
> + at item none
> +No dithering
> +
> + at item fsb
> +Floyd-Steinberg dithering
> + at end table
> +
>  @end table
>  The filter converts the transfer characteristics, color space and color
> diff --git a/libavfilter/colorspacedsp.c b/libavfilter/colorspacedsp.c
> index d4c43c3..f95805b 100644
> --- a/libavfilter/colorspacedsp.c
> +++ b/libavfilter/colorspacedsp.c
> @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
>  #include "colorspacedsp.h"
> +/*
> + * SS_W/H are synonyms for AVPixFmtDescriptor->log2_chroma_w/h.
> + */
>  #define SS_W 0
>  #define SS_H 0
> @@ -114,6 +117,15 @@ void ff_colorspacedsp_init(ColorSpaceDSPContext *dsp)
>      init_rgb2yuv_fn(1, 10);
>      init_rgb2yuv_fn(2, 12);
> +#define init_rgb2yuv_fsb_fn(idx, bit) \
> +    dsp->rgb2yuv_fsb[idx][0] = rgb2yuv_fsb_444p##bit##_c; \
> +    dsp->rgb2yuv_fsb[idx][1] = rgb2yuv_fsb_422p##bit##_c; \
> +    dsp->rgb2yuv_fsb[idx][2] = rgb2yuv_fsb_420p##bit##_c
> +
> +    init_rgb2yuv_fsb_fn(0,  8);
> +    init_rgb2yuv_fsb_fn(1, 10);
> +    init_rgb2yuv_fsb_fn(2, 12);
> +
>  #define init_yuv2yuv_fn(idx1, idx2, bit1, bit2) \
>      dsp->yuv2yuv[idx1][idx2][0] = yuv2yuv_444p##bit1##to##bit2##_c; \
>      dsp->yuv2yuv[idx1][idx2][1] = yuv2yuv_422p##bit1##to##bit2##_c; \
> diff --git a/libavfilter/colorspacedsp.h b/libavfilter/colorspacedsp.h
> index 4e70c6c..2ca7b19 100644
> --- a/libavfilter/colorspacedsp.h
> +++ b/libavfilter/colorspacedsp.h
> @@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ typedef void (*rgb2yuv_fn)(uint8_t *yuv[3], ptrdiff_t
> yuv_stride[3],
>                             int16_t *rgb[3], ptrdiff_t rgb_stride,
>                             int w, int h, const int16_t
> rgb2yuv_coeffs[3][3][8],
>                             const int16_t yuv_offset[8]);
> +typedef void (*rgb2yuv_fsb_fn)(uint8_t *yuv[3], ptrdiff_t yuv_stride[3],
> +                               int16_t *rgb[3], ptrdiff_t rgb_stride,
> +                               int w, int h, const int16_t
> rgb2yuv_coeffs[3][3][8],
> +                               const int16_t yuv_offset[8],
> +                               int *rnd[3][2]);
>  typedef void (*yuv2yuv_fn)(uint8_t *yuv_out[3], ptrdiff_t
> yuv_out_stride[3],
>                             uint8_t *yuv_in[3], ptrdiff_t yuv_in_stride[3],
>                             int w, int h, const int16_t
> yuv2yuv_coeffs[3][3][8],
> @@ -40,6 +45,7 @@ typedef void (*yuv2yuv_fn)(uint8_t *yuv_out[3],
> ptrdiff_t yuv_out_stride[3],
>  typedef struct ColorSpaceDSPContext {
>      yuv2rgb_fn yuv2rgb[3 /* 0: 8bit, 1: 10bit, 2: 12bit */][3 /* 0: 444,
> 1: 422, 2: 420 */];
>      rgb2yuv_fn rgb2yuv[3 /* 0: 8bit, 1: 10bit, 2: 12bit */][3 /* 0: 444,
> 1: 422, 2: 420 */];
> +    rgb2yuv_fsb_fn rgb2yuv_fsb[3 /* 0: 8bit, 1: 10bit, 2: 12bit */][3 /*
> 0: 444, 1: 422, 2: 420 */];
>      yuv2yuv_fn yuv2yuv[3 /* in_depth */][3 /* out_depth */][3 /* 0: 444,
> 1: 422, 2: 420 */];
>      void (*multiply3x3)(int16_t *data[3], ptrdiff_t stride,
> diff --git a/libavfilter/colorspacedsp_template.c
> b/libavfilter/colorspacedsp_template.c
> index f225391..db4a8d2 100644
> --- a/libavfilter/colorspacedsp_template.c
> +++ b/libavfilter/colorspacedsp_template.c
> @@ -199,6 +199,134 @@ static void fn(rgb2yuv)(uint8_t *_yuv[3], ptrdiff_t
> yuv_stride[3],
>      }
>  }
> +/* floyd-steinberg dithering - for any mid-top pixel A in a 3x2 block of
> pixels:
> + *    1 A 2
> + *    3 4 5
> + * the rounding error is distributed over the neighbouring pixels:
> + *    2: 7/16th, 3: 3/16th, 4: 5/16th and 5: 1/16th
> + */
> +static void fn(rgb2yuv_fsb)(uint8_t *_yuv[3], ptrdiff_t yuv_stride[3],
> +                            int16_t *rgb[3], ptrdiff_t s,
> +                            int w, int h, const int16_t
> rgb2yuv_coeffs[3][3][8],
> +                            const int16_t yuv_offset[8],
> +                            int *rnd_scratch[3][2])
> +{
> +    pixel **yuv = (pixel **) _yuv;
> +    pixel *yuv0 = yuv[0], *yuv1 = yuv[1], *yuv2 = yuv[2];
> +    const int16_t *rgb0 = rgb[0], *rgb1 = rgb[1], *rgb2 = rgb[2];
> +    int y, x;
> +    const int sh = 29 - BIT_DEPTH;
> +    const int rnd = 1 << (sh - 1);
> +    int cry = rgb2yuv_coeffs[0][0][0];
> +    int cgy = rgb2yuv_coeffs[0][1][0];
> +    int cby = rgb2yuv_coeffs[0][2][0];
> +    int cru = rgb2yuv_coeffs[1][0][0];
> +    int cgu = rgb2yuv_coeffs[1][1][0];
> +    int cburv = rgb2yuv_coeffs[1][2][0];
> +    int cgv = rgb2yuv_coeffs[2][1][0];
> +    int cbv = rgb2yuv_coeffs[2][2][0];
> +    ptrdiff_t s0 = yuv_stride[0] / sizeof(pixel);
> +    const int uv_offset = 128 << (BIT_DEPTH - 8);
> +    unsigned mask = (1 << sh) - 1;
> +
> +    for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
> +        rnd_scratch[0][0][x] =
> +        rnd_scratch[0][1][x] = rnd;
> +    }
> +    av_assert2(rgb2yuv_coeffs[1][2][0] == rgb2yuv_coeffs[2][0][0]);
> +    w = AV_CEIL_RSHIFT(w, SS_W);
> +    h = AV_CEIL_RSHIFT(h, SS_H);
> +    for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
> +        rnd_scratch[1][0][x] =
> +        rnd_scratch[1][1][x] =
> +        rnd_scratch[2][0][x] =
> +        rnd_scratch[2][1][x] = rnd;
> +    }
> +    for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
> +        for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
> +            int r00 = rgb0[x << SS_W], g00 = rgb1[x << SS_W], b00 =
> rgb2[x << SS_W];
> +            int y00;
> +#if SS_W == 1
> +            int r01 = rgb0[x * 2 + 1], g01 = rgb1[x * 2 + 1], b01 =
> rgb2[x * 2 + 1];
> +            int y01;
> +#if SS_H == 1
> +            int r10 = rgb0[x * 2 + 0 + s], g10 = rgb1[x * 2 + 0 + s], b10
> = rgb2[x * 2 + 0 + s];
> +            int r11 = rgb0[x * 2 + 1 + s], g11 = rgb1[x * 2 + 1 + s], b11
> = rgb2[x * 2 + 1 + s];
> +            int y10, y11;
> +#endif
> +#endif
> +            int u, v, diff;
> +
> +            y00 = r00 * cry + g00 * cgy + b00 * cby + rnd_scratch[0][y &
> !SS_H][x << SS_W];
> +            diff = (y00 & mask) - rnd;
> +            yuv0[x << SS_W]      = av_clip_pixel(yuv_offset[0] + (y00 >>
> sh));
> +            rnd_scratch[0][ (y & !SS_H)][(x << SS_W) + 1] += (diff * 7 +
> 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][!(y & !SS_H)][(x << SS_W) - 1] += (diff * 3 +
> 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][!(y & !SS_H)][(x << SS_W) + 0] += (diff * 5 +
> 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][!(y & !SS_H)][(x << SS_W) + 1] += (diff * 1 +
> 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][ (y & !SS_H)][(x << SS_W) + 0]  = rnd;
> +#if SS_W == 1
> +            y01 = r01 * cry + g01 * cgy + b01 * cby + rnd_scratch[0][y &
> !SS_H][x * 2 + 1];
> +            diff = (y01 & mask) - rnd;
> +            yuv0[x * 2 + 1]      = av_clip_pixel(yuv_offset[0] + (y01 >>
> sh));
> +            rnd_scratch[0][ (y & !SS_H)][x * 2 + 2] += (diff * 7 + 8) >>
> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][!(y & !SS_H)][x * 2 + 0] += (diff * 3 + 8) >>
> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][!(y & !SS_H)][x * 2 + 1] += (diff * 5 + 8) >>
> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][!(y & !SS_H)][x * 2 + 2] += (diff * 1 + 8) >>
> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][ (y & !SS_H)][x * 2 + 1]  = rnd;
> +#if SS_H == 1
> +            y10 = r10 * cry + g10 * cgy + b10 * cby + rnd_scratch[0][1][x
> * 2 + 0];
> +            diff = (y10 & mask) - rnd;
> +            yuv0[x * 2 + 0 + s0] = av_clip_pixel(yuv_offset[0] + (y10 >>
> sh));
> +            rnd_scratch[0][1][x * 2 + 1] += (diff * 7 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][0][x * 2 - 1] += (diff * 3 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][0][x * 2 + 0] += (diff * 5 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][0][x * 2 + 1] += (diff * 1 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][1][x * 2 + 0]  = rnd;
> +
> +            y11 = r11 * cry + g11 * cgy + b11 * cby + rnd_scratch[0][1][x
> * 2 + 1];
> +            diff = (y11 & mask) - rnd;
> +            yuv0[x * 2 + 1 + s0] = av_clip_pixel(yuv_offset[0] + (y11 >>
> sh));
> +            rnd_scratch[0][1][x * 2 + 2] += (diff * 7 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][0][x * 2 + 0] += (diff * 3 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][0][x * 2 + 1] += (diff * 5 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][0][x * 2 + 2] += (diff * 1 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[0][1][x * 2 + 1]  = rnd;
> +#endif
> +#endif
> +
> +            u = avg(r00, r01, r10, r11) * cru +
> +                avg(g00, g01, g10, g11) * cgu +
> +                avg(b00, b01, b10, b11) * cburv + rnd_scratch[1][y &
> 1][x];
> +            diff = (u & mask) - rnd;
> +            yuv1[x] = av_clip_pixel(uv_offset + (u >> sh));
> +            rnd_scratch[1][ (y & 1)][x + 1] += (diff * 7 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[1][!(y & 1)][x - 1] += (diff * 3 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[1][!(y & 1)][x + 0] += (diff * 5 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[1][!(y & 1)][x + 1] += (diff * 1 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[1][ (y & 1)][x + 0]  = rnd;
> +
> +            v = avg(r00, r01, r10, r11) * cburv +
> +                avg(g00, g01, g10, g11) * cgv +
> +                avg(b00, b01, b10, b11) * cbv + rnd_scratch[2][y & 1][x];
> +            diff = (v & mask) - rnd;
> +            yuv2[x] = av_clip_pixel(uv_offset + (v >> sh));
> +            rnd_scratch[2][ (y & 1)][x + 1] += (diff * 7 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[2][!(y & 1)][x - 1] += (diff * 3 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[2][!(y & 1)][x + 0] += (diff * 5 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[2][!(y & 1)][x + 1] += (diff * 1 + 8) >> 4;
> +            rnd_scratch[2][ (y & 1)][x + 0]  = rnd;
> +        }
> +
> +        yuv0 += s0 * (1 << SS_H);
> +        yuv1 += yuv_stride[1] / sizeof(pixel);
> +        yuv2 += yuv_stride[2] / sizeof(pixel);
> +        rgb0 += s * (1 << SS_H);
> +        rgb1 += s * (1 << SS_H);
> +        rgb2 += s * (1 << SS_H);
> +    }
> +}
> +
>  #undef IN_BIT_DEPTH
>  #undef OUT_BIT_DEPTH
> diff --git a/libavfilter/vf_colorspace.c b/libavfilter/vf_colorspace.c
> index 4003f70..10a2486 100644
> --- a/libavfilter/vf_colorspace.c
> +++ b/libavfilter/vf_colorspace.c
> @@ -34,6 +34,12 @@
>  #include "internal.h"
>  #include "video.h"
> +enum DitherMode {
> +    DITHER_FSB,
> +    DITHER_NB,
> +};
> +
>  enum Colorspace {
>      CS_BT470M,
> @@ -121,10 +127,12 @@ typedef struct ColorSpaceContext {
>      enum AVColorPrimaries in_prm, out_prm, user_prm, iprm;
>      enum AVPixelFormat in_format, user_format;
>      int fast_mode;
> +    enum DitherMode dither;
>      int16_t *rgb[3];
>      ptrdiff_t rgb_stride;
>      unsigned rgb_sz;
> +    int *dither_scratch[3][2], *dither_scratch_base[3][2];
>      const struct ColorPrimaries *in_primaries, *out_primaries;
>      int lrgb2lrgb_passthrough;
> @@ -142,6 +150,7 @@ typedef struct ColorSpaceContext {
>      DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, int16_t, yuv_offset)[2 /* in, out */][8];
>      yuv2rgb_fn yuv2rgb;
>      rgb2yuv_fn rgb2yuv;
> +    rgb2yuv_fsb_fn rgb2yuv_fsb;
>      yuv2yuv_fn yuv2yuv;
>      double yuv2rgb_dbl_coeffs[3][3], rgb2yuv_dbl_coeffs[3][3];
>      int in_y_rng, in_uv_rng, out_y_rng, out_uv_rng;
> @@ -481,8 +490,13 @@ static int convert(AVFilterContext *ctx, void *data,
> int job_nr, int n_jobs)
>                  s->dsp.multiply3x3(rgb, s->rgb_stride, w, h,
> s->lrgb2lrgb_coeffs);
>              apply_lut(rgb, s->rgb_stride, w, h, s->delin_lut);
>          }
> -        s->rgb2yuv(out_data, td->out_linesize, rgb, s->rgb_stride, w, h,
> -                   s->rgb2yuv_coeffs, s->yuv_offset[1]);
> +        if (s->dither == DITHER_FSB) {
> +            s->rgb2yuv_fsb(out_data, td->out_linesize, rgb,
> s->rgb_stride, w, h,
> +                           s->rgb2yuv_coeffs, s->yuv_offset[1],
> s->dither_scratch);
> +        } else {
> +            s->rgb2yuv(out_data, td->out_linesize, rgb, s->rgb_stride, w,
> h,
> +                       s->rgb2yuv_coeffs, s->yuv_offset[1]);
> +        }
>      }
>      return 0;
> @@ -784,6 +798,8 @@ static int create_filtergraph(AVFilterContext *ctx,
>              av_assert2(s->rgb2yuv_coeffs[1][2][0] ==
> s->rgb2yuv_coeffs[2][0][0]);
>              s->rgb2yuv = s->dsp.rgb2yuv[(out_desc->comp[0].depth - 8) >>
> 1]
>                                         [out_desc->log2_chroma_h +
> out_desc->log2_chroma_w];
> +            s->rgb2yuv_fsb = s->dsp.rgb2yuv_fsb[(out_desc->comp[0].depth
> - 8) >> 1]
> +                                       [out_desc->log2_chroma_h +
> out_desc->log2_chroma_w];
>              emms = 1;
>          }
> @@ -834,6 +850,12 @@ static void uninit(AVFilterContext *ctx)
>      av_freep(&s->rgb[1]);
>      av_freep(&s->rgb[2]);
>      s->rgb_sz = 0;
> +    av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[0][0]);
> +    av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[0][1]);
> +    av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[1][0]);
> +    av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[1][1]);
> +    av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[2][0]);
> +    av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[2][1]);
>      av_freep(&s->lin_lut);
>  }
> @@ -888,14 +910,35 @@ static int filter_frame(AVFilterLink *link, AVFrame
> *in)
>      else if (s->iall != CS_UNSPECIFIED)
>          in->color_trc = default_trc[s->iall];
>      if (rgb_sz != s->rgb_sz) {
> +        const AVPixFmtDescriptor *desc = av_pix_fmt_desc_get(out->format);
> +        int uvw = in->width >> desc->log2_chroma_w;
> +
>          av_freep(&s->rgb[0]);
>          av_freep(&s->rgb[1]);
>          av_freep(&s->rgb[2]);
>          s->rgb_sz = 0;
> +        av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[0][0]);
> +        av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[0][1]);
> +        av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[1][0]);
> +        av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[1][1]);
> +        av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[2][0]);
> +        av_freep(&s->dither_scratch_base[2][1]);
>          s->rgb[0] = av_malloc(rgb_sz);
>          s->rgb[1] = av_malloc(rgb_sz);
>          s->rgb[2] = av_malloc(rgb_sz);
> +        s->dither_scratch_base[0][0] = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * (in->width
> + 4));
> +        s->dither_scratch_base[0][1] = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * (in->width
> + 4));
> +        s->dither_scratch_base[1][0] = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * (uvw + 4));
> +        s->dither_scratch_base[1][1] = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * (uvw + 4));
> +        s->dither_scratch_base[2][0] = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * (uvw + 4));
> +        s->dither_scratch_base[2][1] = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * (uvw + 4));

FWIW: these av_malloc() return values are not tested for NULL


> +        s->dither_scratch[0][0] = &s->dither_scratch_base[0][0][1];
> +        s->dither_scratch[0][1] = &s->dither_scratch_base[0][1][1];
> +        s->dither_scratch[1][0] = &s->dither_scratch_base[1][0][1];
> +        s->dither_scratch[1][1] = &s->dither_scratch_base[1][1][1];
> +        s->dither_scratch[2][0] = &s->dither_scratch_base[2][0][1];
> +        s->dither_scratch[2][1] = &s->dither_scratch_base[2][1][1];
>          if (!s->rgb[0] || !s->rgb[1] || !s->rgb[2]) {
>              uninit(ctx);
>              return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
> @@ -1046,6 +1089,12 @@ static const AVOption colorspace_options[] = {
>      { "fast",     "Ignore primary chromaticity and gamma correction",
>        OFFSET(fast_mode), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL,  { .i64 = 0    },
>        0, 1, FLAGS },
> +    { "dither",   "Dithering mode",
> +      OFFSET(dither), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = DITHER_NONE },
> +      DITHER_NONE, DITHER_NB - 1, FLAGS, "dither" },
> +    ENUM("none", DITHER_NONE, "dither"),
> +    ENUM("fsb",  DITHER_FSB,  "dither"),
> +
>      { NULL }
>  };
> --
> 2.8.1
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