[FFmpeg-devel] Outreachy 2016

Michael Niedermayer michael at niedermayer.cc
Mon Feb 8 16:34:08 CET 2016

Hi all

This is a reminder that the deadline to register FFmpeg with outreachy
is tomorrow, the 9th february
see: https://www.gnome.org/outreachy/
"Free and open source software organizations and supporting companies are invited to express interest in offering internships or sponsoring the program in the upcoming round by February 9, 2016."

If you care to have FFmpeg participate, contact the outreachy admins
and CC ffmpeg-devel

Also the trac wiki page for this round is not in shape, well its not
even existing i just created an empty page:
Please help fill it with whatever project and ideas the community
wants to have in it.
(based on previous rounds or create a differnt page or structure but
 make sure that anything different is conformant to the regulations of
 the specific sponsoring program.
 IIRC a common page for gsoc and outreachy was not possible previously)

iam CCing this to a few people who where previously doing some
admin related work, this is not meant that i expect any of them to
do any work just so they dont miss it.

Its quite unlikely that FFmpeg will participate in Outreachy if you
(yes you the reader) doesnt do anything or said differently work doesnt
do itself, someone needs to do it ...


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony.
-- Heraclitus
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