[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5] Add support for Audible AAX (and AAX+) files

Vesselin Bontchev vesselin.bontchev at yandex.com
Thu Jul 16 17:45:26 CEST 2015

16.07.2015, 03:58, "Vesselin Bontchev" <vesselin.bontchev at yandex.com>:
> Hi,
> A sample Audible .aax file can be downloaded from the following link,
> https://gitlab.com/vesselin.bontchev/audible-samples/tree/master
> Usage,
> ffmpeg -activation_bytes 62689101 -i Audible_AAX_sample_62689101.aax -vn -c:a copy -v debug output.mp4


I am attaching a Python script to fetch the "activation bytes" from Audible servers (as an alternative to doing offline attacks on the AAX files).


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