[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avcodec/nvenc: Add options for level and tier

Clément Bœsch u at pkh.me
Sat Apr 4 13:29:53 CEST 2015

On Sat, Apr 04, 2015 at 01:24:51PM +0200, Timo Rothenpieler wrote:
> > You can use AV_OPT_CONST instead of this.
> That doesn't work, as the h264 and h265 encoder share the same options
> array, and need diffrent values for the same input.
> Splitting up the options table is something that most likely will have
> to happen sooner or later, but even then I'm not sure if having this
> long list of constants in the options array would be so great.

Mmh, that's unfortunate. Well, the main point would be to have them listed
in ffmpeg -h encoder=nvenc or any avoption user. It would also avoid
manual boundaries checks typically.

Clément B.
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