[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/2] lavf/matroska: Add functions for WebM DASH Manifest

wm4 nfxjfg at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 1 02:18:33 CEST 2014

On Mon, 30 Jun 2014 15:44:36 -0700
Vignesh Venkatasubramanian <vigneshv at google.com> wrote:

> Add functions and logic to matroskadec for use by the WebM DASH Manifest
> XML Muxer. The actual muxer is added in a future patch.
> Signed-off-by: Vignesh Venkatasubramanian <vigneshv at google.com>
> ---
>  libavformat/matroska.h    |  12 ++
>  libavformat/matroskadec.c | 362 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 374 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/libavformat/matroska.h b/libavformat/matroska.h
> index 3bb5aee..e01b9de 100644
> --- a/libavformat/matroska.h
> +++ b/libavformat/matroska.h
> @@ -284,4 +284,16 @@ extern const AVMetadataConv ff_mkv_metadata_conv[];
>  extern const char * const ff_matroska_video_stereo_mode[MATROSKA_VIDEO_STEREO_MODE_COUNT];
>  extern const char * const ff_matroska_video_stereo_plane[MATROSKA_VIDEO_STEREO_PLANE_COUNT];
> +/* AVStream Metadata tag keys for WebM Dash Manifest */
> +#define INITIALIZATION_RANGE "webm_dash_manifest_initialization_range"
> +#define CUES_START "webm_dash_manifest_cues_start"
> +#define CUES_END "webm_dash_manifest_cues_end"
> +#define FILENAME "webm_dash_manifest_file_name"
> +#define BANDWIDTH "webm_dash_manifest_bandwidth"
> +#define DURATION "webm_dash_manifest_duration"
> +#define CLUSTER_KEYFRAME "webm_dash_manifest_cluster_keyframe"
> +#define CUE_TIMESTAMPS "webm_dash_manifest_cue_timestamps"
> +#define TRACK_NUMBER "webm_dash_manifest_track_number"
> +#define CODEC_PRIVATE_SIZE "webm_dash_manifest_codec_priv_size"
> +
>  #endif /* AVFORMAT_MATROSKA_H */
> diff --git a/libavformat/matroskadec.c b/libavformat/matroskadec.c
> index 213767c..4e45e26 100644
> --- a/libavformat/matroskadec.c
> +++ b/libavformat/matroskadec.c
> @@ -3068,6 +3068,359 @@ static int matroska_read_close(AVFormatContext *s)
>      return 0;
>  }
> +typedef struct {
> +    int64_t start_time_ns;
> +    int64_t end_time_ns;
> +    int64_t start_offset;
> +    int64_t end_offset;
> +} CueDesc;
> +
> +/* This function searches all the Cues and returns the CueDesc corresponding the
> + * the timestamp ts. Returned CueDesc will be such that start_time_ns <= ts <
> + * end_time_ns. All 4 fields will be set to -1 if ts >= file's duration.
> + */
> +static CueDesc get_cue_desc(AVFormatContext *s, int64_t ts, int64_t cues_start) {
> +    MatroskaDemuxContext *matroska = s->priv_data;
> +    CueDesc cue_desc;
> +    int i;
> +    int nb_index_entries = s->streams[0]->nb_index_entries;
> +    AVIndexEntry *index_entries = s->streams[0]->index_entries;
> +    if (ts >= matroska->duration * matroska->time_scale) return (CueDesc) {-1, -1, -1, -1};
> +    for (i = 1; i < nb_index_entries; i++) {
> +        if (index_entries[i - 1].timestamp * matroska->time_scale <= ts &&
> +            index_entries[i].timestamp * matroska->time_scale > ts) {
> +            break;
> +        }
> +    }
> +    --i;
> +    cue_desc.start_time_ns = index_entries[i].timestamp * matroska->time_scale;
> +    cue_desc.start_offset = index_entries[i].pos - matroska->segment_start;
> +    if (i != nb_index_entries - 1) {
> +        cue_desc.end_time_ns = index_entries[i + 1].timestamp * matroska->time_scale;
> +        cue_desc.end_offset = index_entries[i + 1].pos - matroska->segment_start;
> +    } else {
> +        cue_desc.end_time_ns = matroska->duration * matroska->time_scale;
> +        // FIXME: this needs special handling for files where Cues appear
> +        // before Clusters. the current logic assumes Cues appear after
> +        // Clusters.
> +        cue_desc.end_offset = cues_start - matroska->segment_start;
> +    }
> +    return cue_desc;
> +}
> +
> +static int webm_clusters_start_with_keyframe(AVFormatContext *s)
> +{
> +    MatroskaDemuxContext *matroska = s->priv_data;
> +    int64_t cluster_pos, before_pos;
> +    int index, rv = 1;
> +    if (s->streams[0]->nb_index_entries <= 0) return 0;
> +    // seek to the first cluster using cues.
> +    index = av_index_search_timestamp(s->streams[0], 0, 0);
> +    if (index < 0)  return 0;
> +    cluster_pos = s->streams[0]->index_entries[index].pos;
> +    before_pos = avio_tell(s->pb);
> +    while (1) {
> +        int64_t cluster_id = 0, cluster_length = 0;
> +        AVPacket *pkt;
> +        avio_seek(s->pb, cluster_pos, SEEK_SET);
> +        // read cluster id and length
> +        ebml_read_num(matroska, matroska->ctx->pb, 4, &cluster_id);
> +        ebml_read_length(matroska, matroska->ctx->pb, &cluster_length);
> +        if (cluster_id != 0xF43B675) { // done with all clusters
> +            break;
> +        }
> +        avio_seek(s->pb, cluster_pos, SEEK_SET);
> +        matroska->current_id = 0;
> +        matroska_clear_queue(matroska);
> +        if (matroska_parse_cluster(matroska) < 0 ||
> +            matroska->num_packets <= 0) {
> +            break;
> +        }
> +        pkt = matroska->packets[0];
> +        cluster_pos += cluster_length + 12; // 12 is the offset of the cluster id and length.
> +        if (!(pkt->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY)) {
> +            rv = 0;
> +            break;
> +        }
> +    }
> +    avio_seek(s->pb, before_pos, SEEK_SET);
> +    return rv;
> +}
> +
> +static int buffer_size_after_time_downloaded(int64_t time_ns, double search_sec, int64_t bps,
> +                                             double min_buffer, double* buffer,
> +                                             double* sec_to_download, AVFormatContext *s,
> +                                             int64_t cues_start)
> +{
> +    double nano_seconds_per_second = 1000000000.0;
> +    double time_sec = time_ns / nano_seconds_per_second;
> +    int rv = 0;
> +    int64_t time_to_search_ns = (int64_t)(search_sec * nano_seconds_per_second);
> +    int64_t end_time_ns = time_ns + time_to_search_ns;
> +    double sec_downloaded = 0.0;
> +    CueDesc desc_curr = get_cue_desc(s, time_ns, cues_start);
> +    if (desc_curr.start_time_ns == -1)
> +      return -1;
> +    *sec_to_download = 0.0;
> +
> +    // Check for non cue start time.
> +    if (time_ns > desc_curr.start_time_ns) {
> +      int64_t cue_nano = desc_curr.end_time_ns - time_ns;
> +      double percent = (double)(cue_nano) / (desc_curr.end_time_ns - desc_curr.start_time_ns);
> +      double cueBytes = (desc_curr.end_offset - desc_curr.start_offset) * percent;
> +      double timeToDownload = (cueBytes * 8.0) / bps;
> +
> +      sec_downloaded += (cue_nano / nano_seconds_per_second) - timeToDownload;
> +      *sec_to_download += timeToDownload;
> +
> +      // Check if the search ends within the first cue.
> +      if (desc_curr.end_time_ns >= end_time_ns) {
> +          double desc_end_time_sec = desc_curr.end_time_ns / nano_seconds_per_second;
> +          double percent_to_sub = search_sec / (desc_end_time_sec - time_sec);
> +          sec_downloaded = percent_to_sub * sec_downloaded;
> +          *sec_to_download = percent_to_sub * *sec_to_download;
> +      }
> +
> +      if ((sec_downloaded + *buffer) <= min_buffer) {
> +          return 1;
> +      }
> +
> +      // Get the next Cue.
> +      desc_curr = get_cue_desc(s, desc_curr.end_time_ns, cues_start);
> +    }
> +
> +    while (desc_curr.start_time_ns != -1) {
> +        int64_t desc_bytes = desc_curr.end_offset - desc_curr.start_offset;
> +        int64_t desc_ns = desc_curr.end_time_ns - desc_curr.start_time_ns;
> +        double desc_sec = desc_ns / nano_seconds_per_second;
> +        double bits = (desc_bytes * 8.0);
> +        double time_to_download = bits / bps;
> +
> +        sec_downloaded += desc_sec - time_to_download;
> +        *sec_to_download += time_to_download;
> +
> +        if (desc_curr.end_time_ns >= end_time_ns) {
> +            double desc_end_time_sec = desc_curr.end_time_ns / nano_seconds_per_second;
> +            double percent_to_sub = search_sec / (desc_end_time_sec - time_sec);
> +            sec_downloaded = percent_to_sub * sec_downloaded;
> +            *sec_to_download = percent_to_sub * *sec_to_download;
> +
> +            if ((sec_downloaded + *buffer) <= min_buffer)
> +                rv = 1;
> +            break;
> +        }
> +
> +        if ((sec_downloaded + *buffer) <= min_buffer) {
> +            rv = 1;
> +            break;
> +        }
> +
> +        desc_curr = get_cue_desc(s, desc_curr.end_time_ns, cues_start);
> +    }
> +    *buffer = *buffer + sec_downloaded;
> +    return rv;
> +}
> +
> +/* This function computes the bandwidth of the WebM file with the help of
> + * buffer_size_after_time_downloaded() function. Both of these functions are
> + * adapted from WebM Tools project and are adapted to work with FFmpeg's
> + * Matroska parsing mechanism.
> + * See:
> + * https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/webm-tools/+/master/shared/webm_file.cc
> + * for details about how this implementation works.

Please no. Nobody wants to read some _other_ source code while trying
to find out how a specific piece of source code works.

> + * Returns -1 on error.
> + * */
> +static int64_t webm_dash_manifest_compute_bandwidth(AVFormatContext *s, int64_t cues_start)
> +{
> +    MatroskaDemuxContext *matroska = s->priv_data;
> +    AVStream *st = s->streams[0];
> +    double bandwidth = 0.0;
> +    for (int i = 0; i < st->nb_index_entries; i++) {
> +        int64_t prebuffer_ns = 1000000000;
> +        int64_t time_ns = st->index_entries[i].timestamp * matroska->time_scale;
> +        double nano_seconds_per_second = 1000000000.0;
> +        int64_t prebuffered_ns = time_ns + prebuffer_ns;
> +        double prebuffer_bytes = 0.0;
> +        int64_t temp_prebuffer_ns = prebuffer_ns;
> +        int64_t pre_bytes, pre_ns;
> +        double pre_sec, prebuffer, bits_per_second;
> +        CueDesc desc_beg = get_cue_desc(s, time_ns, cues_start);
> +
> +        // Start with the first Cue.
> +        CueDesc desc_end = desc_beg;
> +
> +        // Figure out how much data we have downloaded for the prebuffer. This will
> +        // be used later to adjust the bits per sample to try.
> +        while (desc_end.start_time_ns != -1 && desc_end.end_time_ns < prebuffered_ns) {
> +            // Prebuffered the entire Cue.
> +            prebuffer_bytes += desc_end.end_offset - desc_end.start_offset;
> +            temp_prebuffer_ns -= desc_end.end_time_ns - desc_end.start_time_ns;
> +            desc_end = get_cue_desc(s, desc_end.end_time_ns, cues_start);
> +        }
> +        if (desc_end.start_time_ns == -1) {
> +            // The prebuffer is larger than the duration.
> +            return (matroska->duration * matroska->time_scale >= prebuffered_ns) ? -1 : 0;
> +        }
> +
> +        // The prebuffer ends in the last Cue. Estimate how much data was
> +        // prebuffered.
> +        pre_bytes = desc_end.end_offset - desc_end.start_offset;
> +        pre_ns = desc_end.end_time_ns - desc_end.start_time_ns;
> +        pre_sec = pre_ns / nano_seconds_per_second;
> +        prebuffer_bytes +=
> +            pre_bytes * ((temp_prebuffer_ns / nano_seconds_per_second) / pre_sec);
> +
> +        prebuffer = prebuffer_ns / nano_seconds_per_second;
> +
> +        // Set this to 0.0 in case our prebuffer buffers the entire video.
> +        bits_per_second = 0.0;
> +        do {
> +            int64_t desc_bytes = desc_end.end_offset - desc_beg.start_offset;
> +            int64_t desc_ns = desc_end.end_time_ns - desc_beg.start_time_ns;
> +            double desc_sec = desc_ns / nano_seconds_per_second;
> +            double calc_bits_per_second = (desc_bytes * 8) / desc_sec;
> +
> +            // Drop the bps by the percentage of bytes buffered.
> +            double percent = (desc_bytes - prebuffer_bytes) / desc_bytes;
> +            double mod_bits_per_second = calc_bits_per_second * percent;
> +
> +            if (prebuffer < desc_sec) {
> +                double search_sec =
> +                    (double)(matroska->duration * matroska->time_scale) / nano_seconds_per_second;
> +
> +                // Add 1 so the bits per second should be a little bit greater than file
> +                // datarate.
> +                int64_t bps = (int64_t)(mod_bits_per_second) + 1;
> +                const double min_buffer = 0.0;
> +                double buffer = prebuffer;
> +                double sec_to_download = 0.0;
> +
> +                int rv = buffer_size_after_time_downloaded(prebuffered_ns, search_sec, bps,
> +                                                           min_buffer, &buffer, &sec_to_download,
> +                                                           s, cues_start);
> +                if (rv < 0) {
> +                    return -1;
> +                } else if (rv == 0) {
> +                    bits_per_second = (double)(bps);
> +                    break;
> +                }
> +            }
> +
> +            desc_end = get_cue_desc(s, desc_end.end_time_ns, cues_start);
> +        } while (desc_end.start_time_ns != -1);
> +        if (bandwidth < bits_per_second) bandwidth = bits_per_second;
> +    }
> +    return (int64_t)bandwidth;
> +}
> +
> +static int webm_dash_manifest_cues(AVFormatContext *s)
> +{
> +    MatroskaDemuxContext *matroska = s->priv_data;
> +    EbmlList *seekhead_list = &matroska->seekhead;
> +    MatroskaSeekhead *seekhead = seekhead_list->elem;
> +    char *buf;
> +    int64_t cues_start, cues_end, before_pos, bandwidth;
> +    int i;
> +
> +    // determine cues start and end positions
> +    for (i = 0; i < seekhead_list->nb_elem; i++)
> +        if (seekhead[i].id == MATROSKA_ID_CUES)
> +            break;
> +
> +    if (i >= seekhead_list->nb_elem) return -1;
> +
> +    before_pos = avio_tell(matroska->ctx->pb);
> +    cues_start = seekhead[i].pos + matroska->segment_start;
> +    if (avio_seek(matroska->ctx->pb, cues_start, SEEK_SET) == cues_start) {
> +        uint64_t cues_length = 0, cues_id = 0;
> +        ebml_read_num(matroska, matroska->ctx->pb, 4, &cues_id);
> +        ebml_read_length(matroska, matroska->ctx->pb, &cues_length);
> +        cues_end = cues_start + cues_length + 11; // 11 is the offset of Cues ID.
> +    }
> +    avio_seek(matroska->ctx->pb, before_pos, SEEK_SET);
> +
> +    // parse the cues
> +    matroska_parse_cues(matroska);
> +
> +    // cues start
> +    buf = av_asprintf("%" PRId64, cues_start);
> +    av_dict_set(&s->streams[0]->metadata, CUES_START, buf, 0);
> +    av_free(buf);

Unchecked mallocs... everywhere.

All functions that allocate can fail and return NULL, and you should
check for that, instead of crashing.

> +
> +    // cues end
> +    buf = av_asprintf("%" PRId64, cues_end);
> +    av_dict_set(&s->streams[0]->metadata, CUES_END, buf, 0);
> +    av_free(buf);
> +
> +    // bandwidth
> +    bandwidth = webm_dash_manifest_compute_bandwidth(s, cues_start);
> +    if (bandwidth < 0) return -1;
> +    buf = av_asprintf("%" PRId64, bandwidth);
> +    av_dict_set(&s->streams[0]->metadata, BANDWIDTH, buf, 0);
> +    av_free(buf);
> +
> +    // check if all clusters start with key frames
> +    buf = av_asprintf("%d", webm_clusters_start_with_keyframe(s));
> +    av_dict_set(&s->streams[0]->metadata, CLUSTER_KEYFRAME, buf, 0);
> +    av_free(buf);
> +
> +    // store cue point timestamps as a comma separated list for checking subsegment alignment in
> +    // the muxer. assumes that each timestamp cannot be more than 20 characters long.
> +    buf = av_malloc(s->streams[0]->nb_index_entries * 20 * sizeof(char));
> +    strcpy(buf, "");
> +    for (i = 0; i < s->streams[0]->nb_index_entries; i++) {
> +        snprintf(buf, (i + 1) * 20 * sizeof(char),
> +                 "%s%" PRId64, buf, s->streams[0]->index_entries[i].timestamp);
> +        if (i != s->streams[0]->nb_index_entries - 1)
> +            strncat(buf, ",", sizeof(char));

sizeof(char) is always 1.

> +    }
> +    av_dict_set(&s->streams[0]->metadata, CUE_TIMESTAMPS, buf, 0);
> +    av_free(buf);
> +
> +    return 0;
> +}
> +
> +static int webm_dash_manifest_read_header(AVFormatContext *s)
> +{
> +    char *buf;
> +    int ret = matroska_read_header(s);
> +    MatroskaTrack *tracks;
> +    MatroskaDemuxContext *matroska = s->priv_data;
> +    if (ret) {
> +        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read file headers\n");
> +        return -1;
> +    }
> +
> +    // initialization range
> +    buf = av_asprintf("%" PRId64, avio_tell(s->pb) - 5); // 5 is the offset of Cluster ID.
> +    av_dict_set(&s->streams[0]->metadata, INITIALIZATION_RANGE, buf, 0);
> +    av_free(buf);
> +
> +    // basename of the file
> +    buf = strrchr(s->filename, '/');
> +    if (buf == NULL) return -1; // TODO return correct value here
> +    av_dict_set(&s->streams[0]->metadata, FILENAME, ++buf, 0);
> +
> +    // duration
> +    buf = av_asprintf("%g", matroska->duration);
> +    av_dict_set(&s->streams[0]->metadata, DURATION, buf, 0);
> +    av_free(buf);
> +
> +    // track number
> +    tracks = matroska->tracks.elem;
> +    buf = av_asprintf("%" PRId64, tracks[0].num);
> +    av_dict_set(&s->streams[0]->metadata, TRACK_NUMBER, buf, 0);
> +    av_free(buf);
> +
> +    // parse the cues and populate Cue related fields
> +    return webm_dash_manifest_cues(s);
> +}
> +
> +static int webm_dash_manifest_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
> +{
> +    return AVERROR_EOF;
> +}

Shouldn't this return packets? Maybe I'm misunderstanding the purpose
of this code.

> +
>  AVInputFormat ff_matroska_demuxer = {
>      .name           = "matroska,webm",
>      .long_name      = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Matroska / WebM"),
> @@ -3078,3 +3431,12 @@ AVInputFormat ff_matroska_demuxer = {
>      .read_close     = matroska_read_close,
>      .read_seek      = matroska_read_seek,
>  };
> +
> +AVInputFormat ff_webm_dash_manifest_demuxer = {
> +    .name           = "webm_dash_manifest",
> +    .long_name      = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("WebM DASH Manifest"),
> +    .priv_data_size = sizeof(MatroskaDemuxContext),
> +    .read_header    = webm_dash_manifest_read_header,
> +    .read_packet    = webm_dash_manifest_read_packet,
> +    .read_close     = matroska_read_close,
> +};

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