[FFmpeg-devel] Patchset to relicense yadif to LGPL

Robert Krüger krueger at lesspain.de
Mon Jan 6 12:04:07 CET 2014

Since my git send-email mails do not seem to make it to the ML, this
is a clumsy attempt to post the patches manually.

Patches 1-3 revert commits that were reverted before the original
author agreed to the relicensing.

Patch 4 performs the actual relicensing.
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Name: 0004-Change-license-of-yadif-from-GPL-to-LGPL.patch
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URL: <http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/attachments/20140106/5cbffb67/attachment-0003.obj>

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