[FFmpeg-devel] Bug Tracker Etiquette is Unacceptable

JULIAN GARDNER joolzg at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 28 14:58:51 CET 2014


> From: Don Moir <donmoir at comcast.net>
>To: FFmpeg development discussions and patches <ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org> 
>Sent: Friday, 28 February 2014, 13:47
>Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] Bug Tracker Etiquette is Unacceptable
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Robert Krüger" <krueger at lesspain.de>
>To: "FFmpeg development discussions and patches" <ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org>
>Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 8:09 AM
>Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] Bug Tracker Etiquette is Unacceptable
>> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Don Moir <donmoir at comcast.net> wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Derek Buitenhuis"
>>> <derek.buitenhuis at gmail.com>
>>> To: "FFmpeg development discussions and patches" <ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org>
>>> Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 2:09 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] Bug Tracker Etiquette is Unacceptable
>>>>> The unacceptable behaviour here as well as on trac comes from yourself in
>>>>> showing everyone that you're able to write down the abusive words you
>>>>> know of.
>>>>> I'm sure everyone can understand your arguments about that ticket much
>>>>> better
>>>>> after reading them.
>>>> I agree I have a tendency to swear, but this is build up from years of
>>>> dealing with Carl's nonsense, hypocrisy,
>>>> and rudeness. It didn't just happen. And, it doesn't make my points
>>>> any less valid.
>>>> - Silently closing bugs without explanation.
>>>> - Harassing contributors to follow developer guidelines while he does
>>>> not do so himself.
>>>> - Closing bugs before EVEN TESTING them. (His own words: "When I
>>>> closed this ticket,
>>>>  I had not yet done a complete analysis and I was not 100% sure if it
>>>> is really a duplicate.")
>>>> - Asking for "info" in a rote, telemarketer-type manner on every bug,
>>>> even where it is 100% useless,
>>>>  and closing them. ("full uncut output")
>>>> Among others.
>>>> I assure you I am not alone in feeling this way.
>>> Here's another one closed incorrectly. IT'S NOT A DUPLICATE of 296 :)
>>> http://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/3212
>>> Would be good if a developer decides when to close a ticket rather than a
>>> non-developer.
>> Not challenging that the experience of reporting a bug has room for
>> improvement but as someone who has directly benefitted from
>> patches/bug fixes from Carl more than once I'm asking myself what
>> qualifies one as a developer in this context.
>Anyone with a resonable amount of development experience who at least has the awareness to let a higher up developer take a look 
>before just rejecting it.
>The first bug I tried to report, I figured I reported enough over days so a first year developer would understand it. So I got 
>frustrated and mentioned the like in bug report. Then I get an email from Carl telling me I was rude. He also mentioned we (as in 
>ffmpeg group) considered it rude that I did not use a real compiler like the orphan C99 compiler. At this point I am thinking to 
>myself, geeze is ffmpeg the right way to go ? At this time, I had used ffmpeg for days and got someone who doesn't have a clue what 
>I do trying to tell me how I should work.
>Then Carl tells me he is not a developer. So you got a non-developer screening bug reports. Just great.
>Carl reads thru a lot of crap I know and generally does a pretty good job but it is just ridiculous at times. Being a little funny, 
>I got to saying to myself it takes minutes to fix a bug or work around and days/weeks to report one. 
>ffmpeg-devel mailing list
>ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org

Ditto. Ive lost count on how many times I sat in disbelief when i tried to change something to make it more spec compliant and was told that I was reading the spec wrong!! English is my 1st language, and the specs I use I have based the last 15 years of my professional career on conforming to. 

Easier to fix bugs in my own tree, as these are the normal replies,

1. Uncut command line and output. *usually within 1 second of sending the email)

2. Wrong mailing list (usually 1st reply from when mentioning a bug/problem), why would a user, not a developer be interested in a bug/failure

3. Will break older versions of ffmpeg, even though I tried to fix something that was wrong as per the PUBLISHED SPEC, eg dvbsubtitles clut, dvb section filtering

So all in all my experience in trying to get anything changed in the ffmpeg tree hinges on, do i want to wait 3 months and 50 emails trying to explain why i want it changing, or do i need it today.


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