[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] h264: Move AFD to side data to match MPEG-2

Christophe Gisquet christophe.gisquet at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 01:21:17 CEST 2014


2014-08-09 2:45 GMT+02:00 Kieran Kunhya <kierank at obe.tv>:
> +        AVFrameSideData *sd =
> +            av_frame_new_side_data(&cur->f,
> +                                   AV_FRAME_DATA_AFD, 1);
> +        if (!sd)
> +            return;

You're not responsible for what has already been committed before, but:
1) The allocation failure is detected but not returned to the caller;
2) It leaves objects in a kind of undetermined state by exiting early
the function.

Maybe all that side data stuff should be moved to the end of the
function first (but before the last thread-related line), and fixed,
then you also add this hunk there?


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