[FFmpeg-devel] Photo-sensitive epilepsy / 'Harding' test

Kieran Kunhya kierank at obe.tv
Sat Oct 5 11:56:18 CEST 2013

On 4 October 2013 23:18, John Warburton <john at johnwarburton.net> wrote:
> Please look at Annex A in this document:
> http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/guidance/813060/section22009.pdf
> The Digital Production Partnership, which sets delivery standards for all
> major UK broadcasters, states in its latest draft that tape delivery
> requires a "Harding" analyser report to be submitted. However, for file
> delivery, an "approved device" must be used to test the footage. At the
> present stage of the published draft, there isn't a device specified. Is it
> possible that ffmpeg could include a libavfilter filter that checks for
> everything mentioned in Annex 1 of the document referred above? And, given
> the enormous trust (whether documented or undocumented) of ffmpeg in UK
> broadcasters, could ffmpeg achieve the status of an "approved device"?

That's very interesting. I have worked quite a bit on getting an Open
Source DPP chain -
http://obe.tv/about-us/obe-blog/item/1-oss-dpp-creation . The Harding
part is the only bit that is closed source now.

> I'm happy to learn more C — I get a little lost with pointers at this early
> stage — to help program this. The documentation for libavfilter seems to
> offer me a way to perform analysis in the spacial and temporal dimensions
> on video, both of which this analysis requires: how should I begin
> development in an open way, to show other developers my code without
> committing to the trunk?

Create a git repository on a site like github and fork ffmpeg.

> (next job for me: write an AVX shim to allow libavfilter to be loaded into
> the Avid effects palette if the licence allows)

Probably ok since libavfilter is LGPL.

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