[FFmpeg-devel] [WIP] zmq filters

Stefano Sabatini stefasab at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 00:12:38 CEST 2013

On date Sunday 2013-04-21 19:21:01 +0200, Nicolas George encoded:
> Le duodi 2 floréal, an CCXXI, Stefano Sabatini a écrit :
> > this is a generalization of the current undocumented feature of ffmpeg
> > which allows to read interactive commands from stdin, and makes use of
> > libzmq instead (so the commands can be sent from a different
> > machine/process/thread), and it is possible to have several zmq client
> > as well (since the zmq filter is acting server).

> Is this library really used? This is the first time I heard of it. Are there
> readily-available command-line clients?

I can't honestly say, but at least it seems deployed in Debuntu, and
the library itself looks cool and slick. It has a simple and flexible
API, with lots of high level bindings which makes it particularly
suited for scripting. See in attachment a C client application I'm
using to test the filter (which I can eventually clean and put in
tools in the same commit).

> > Requires libzmq version 3.2 or later.
> Is it really necessary? A lot of people will be stuck for a lot of time with
> 2.2.0, since this is what is present in the incoming Debian stable.

I opted for 3.2 because I was following the official tutorial and the
previous API seems a bit more complex. I can switch back to the 2.x
(incompatible) API.

> > +enabled libx264    && require  libzmq zmq.h zmq_ctx_new -lzmq &&
> I suspect you forgot to change one bit of you copy-paste.

Locally fixed.
FFmpeg = Frightening Freak Mythic Power Eretic Glue
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