[FFmpeg-devel] ff_fill_line_with_color(), ff_draw_rectangle() and ff_copy_rectangle()

yann.lepetitcorps at free.fr yann.lepetitcorps at free.fr
Sun Sep 9 03:50:47 CEST 2012

I think that ff_fill_line_with_color(), ff_draw_rectangle() and
ff_copy_rectangle() funcs can to be unrolled to a similar fashion into
libavfilter/drawutils.c with something like this for a little performance win :

#define YLP_OPTI 1

int ff_fill_line_with_color(uint8_t *line[4], int pixel_step[4], int w, uint8_t
                            enum PixelFormat pix_fmt, uint8_t rgba_color[4],
                            int *is_packed_rgba, uint8_t rgba_map_ptr[4])
    uint8_t rgba_map[4] = {0};
    int i, step;
    const AVPixFmtDescriptor *pix_desc = &av_pix_fmt_descriptors[pix_fmt];
    int hsub = pix_desc->log2_chroma_w;

    *is_packed_rgba = ff_fill_rgba_map(rgba_map, pix_fmt) >= 0;

    if (*is_packed_rgba) {

        step = (av_get_bits_per_pixel(pix_desc))>>3;
	w *= step;

	line[0] = av_malloc(w);
	pixel_step[0] = step;

        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            dst_color[rgba_map[i]] = rgba_color[i];

        for (i = 0; i < w ; i += step)
            memcpy(line[0] + i, dst_color, step);

        if (rgba_map_ptr)
            memcpy(rgba_map_ptr, rgba_map, sizeof(uint8_t) * 4);

    } else {

#ifndef YLP_OPTI
        int plane;

        dst_color[0] = RGB_TO_Y_CCIR(rgba_color[0], rgba_color[1],
        dst_color[1] = RGB_TO_U_CCIR(rgba_color[0], rgba_color[1],
rgba_color[2], 0);
        dst_color[2] = RGB_TO_V_CCIR(rgba_color[0], rgba_color[1],
rgba_color[2], 0);
        dst_color[3] = rgba_color[3];

        for (plane = 0; plane < 4; plane++) {
            int line_size;
            int hsub1 = (plane == 1 || plane == 2) ? hsub : 0;

            pixel_step[plane] = 1;
            line_size = (w >> hsub1) * pixel_step[plane];
            line[plane] = av_malloc(line_size);
            memset(line[plane], dst_color[plane], line_size);

	pixel_step[0] = 1;
	line[0] = av_malloc(w);
	memset(line[0], RGB_TO_Y_CCIR(rgba_color[0], rgba_color[1], rgba_color[2]), w);

	step = w >> hsub;

	pixel_step[1] = 1;
	line[1] = av_malloc(step);
	memset(line[1], RGB_TO_U_CCIR(rgba_color[0], rgba_color[1], rgba_color[2]),

	pixel_step[2] = 1;
	line[2] = av_malloc(step);
	memset(line[2], RGB_TO_V_CCIR(rgba_color[0], rgba_color[1], rgba_color[2]),

	pixel_step[3] = 1;
	line[3] = av_malloc(w);
	memset(line[3], rgba_color[3], w);



    return 0;

void ff_draw_rectangle(uint8_t *dst[4], int dst_linesize[4],
                       uint8_t *src[4], int pixelstep[4],
                       int hsub, int vsub, int x, int y, int w, int h)
    int i, plane;
    uint8_t *p;

#ifndef YLP_OPTI
    for (plane = 0; plane < 4 && dst[plane]; plane++) {
        int hsub1 = plane == 1 || plane == 2 ? hsub : 0;
        int vsub1 = plane == 1 || plane == 2 ? vsub : 0;

        p = dst[plane] + (y >> vsub1) * dst_linesize[plane];
        for (i = 0; i < (h >> vsub1); i++) {
            memcpy(p + (x >> hsub1) * pixelstep[plane],
                   src[plane], (w >> hsub1) * pixelstep[plane]);
            p += dst_linesize[plane];
	int lsize, wstep;

	lsize = dst_linesize[0];
	wstep = w * pixelstep[0];
	p = dst[0] + y * lsize + x * pixelstep[0];
	for( i = 0 ; i < h ; i++, p += lsize )
		memcpy(p, src[0], wstep); // or memset(p, *src[0], wstep) ???

	if ( dst[1] == NULL) return;

	lsize = dst_linesize[1];
	wstep = (w >> hsub) * pixelstep[1];
	p = dst[1]  + (y >> vsub)  * lsize + (x >> hsub) * pixelstep[1];
	for( i = 0 ; i < h ; i += 2, p += lsize )
		memcpy(p, src[1], wstep); // or memset(p, *src[1], wstep) ???

	if ( dst[2] == NULL) return;

	lsize = dst_linesize[2];
	wstep = (w >> hsub) * pixelstep[2];
	p = dst[2]  + (y >> vsub) * lsize + (x >> hsub) * pixelstep[2];
	for( i = 0 ; i < h ; i += 2, p += lsize )
		memcpy(p, src[2], wstep); // or memset(p, *src[2], wstep) ???

	if ( dst[3] == NULL) return;

	lsize = dst_linesize[3];
	wstep = w * pixelstep[3];
	p = dst[3]  + y * lsize + x * pixelstep[3];
	for( i = 0 ; i < h ; i++, p += lsize )
		memcpy(p, src[3], wstep);// or memset(p, *src[3], wstep) ???

void ff_copy_rectangle(uint8_t *dst[4], int dst_linesize[4],
                       uint8_t *src[4], int src_linesize[4], int pixelstep[4],
                       int hsub, int vsub, int x, int y, int y2, int w, int h)

#ifndef YLP_OPTI

    int i, plane;
    uint8_t *p;

    for (plane = 0; plane < 4 && dst[plane]; plane++) {
        int hsub1 = plane == 1 || plane == 2 ? hsub : 0;
        int vsub1 = plane == 1 || plane == 2 ? vsub : 0;

        p = dst[plane] + (y >> vsub1) * dst_linesize[plane];
        for (i = 0; i < (h >> vsub1); i++) {
            memcpy(p + (x >> hsub1) * pixelstep[plane],
                   src[plane] + src_linesize[plane]*(i+(y2>>vsub1)), (w >>
hsub1) * pixelstep[plane]);
            p += dst_linesize[plane];
	int i, ssize, dsize, wstep;
	uint8_t *psrc, *pdst;

	ssize = src_linesise[0];
	dsize = dst_linesize[0];
	wstep = w * pixelstep[0];
	psrc  = src[0] + y2 * ssize;
	pdst  = dst[0] + y * dsize + x * pixelstep[0];
	for( i = 0 ; i < h ; i++, psrc += ssize, pdst += dsize )
		memcpy(pdst, psrc, wstep);

	if ( dst[1] == NULL) return;

	ssize = src_linesize[1];
	dsize = dst_linesize[1];
	wstep = (w >> hsub) * pixelstep[1];
	psrc  = src[1] + (y2 >> vsub) * ssize;
	pdst  = dst[1]  + (y >> vsub)  * dsize + (x >> hsub) * pixelstep[1];
	for( i = 0 ; i < h ; i += 2, psrc += ssize, pdst += dsize )
		memcpy(pdst, psrc, wstep);

	if ( dst[2] == NULL) return;

	ssize = src_linesize[2];
	dsize = dst_linesize[2];
	wstep = (w >> hsub) * pixelstep[2];
	psrc  = src[2] + (y2 >> vsub) * ssize;
	pdst  = dst[2]  + (y >> vsub) * dsize + (x >> hsub) * pixelstep[2];
	for( i = 0 ; i < h ; i += 2, psrc += ssize, pdst += dsize )
		memcpy(pdst, psrc, wstep);

	if ( dst[3] == NULL) return;

	ssize = src_linesize[3];
	dsize = dst_linesize[3];
	wstep = w * pixelstep[3];
	psrc = src[3] + y2 * ssize;
	pdst = dst[3]  + y * dsize + x * pixelstep[3];
	for( i = 0 ; i < h ; i++, psrc += ssize, pdst += dsize )
		memcpy(pdst, psrc, wstep);



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