[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Application to SPI as associated project

Stefano Sabatini stefasab at gmail.com
Wed May 9 00:10:13 CEST 2012

Hi all,

we are considering to apply to SPI - Software in the Public Interest -
as associated project, see:

This should allow FFmpeg to collect donations through the SPI
framework (which already supports donations through checks and the
Click&Pledge system), which could be spent for covering
expenses/equipment/travelling refunds for developers (I'm currently not
sure if other activities - e.g. active development - can be funded
through SPI).

The application is presented by the candidate project and discussed
and voted by the SPI board and contributing members. Donations and
approved refunds for associated projects are regularly published on a
public mailing-list.

The partecipation to SPI will not exclude the possibility to
partecipate to other umbrella organizations (e.g. VideoLAN) or having
an independent dedicated organization. Since SPI has already the
framework and the expertise for managing funds and providing related
services, being an SPI associated project seems to me like a good

In case we decide to apply, a project liaison - acting as intermediary
between the project and SPI - should be selected.

I discussed this a bit with Michael, and we agreed that the liaison
should be chosen by the FFmpeg contributors, and his mandate will have
a defined duration, say one year or so. All expense refunds should be
approved by the liaison and may be vetoed by the project maintainer,
then processed through SPI.

In case we can't reach a consensus on the liaison choice, we may need
to define who the contributors are, and which voting system to adopt
for the liaison election.

While the SPI application is processed, I can act as nominal liaison,
and in case the application is approved we will delay expense/refund
approvals until we get a proper consensus on the liaison choice or

I would like to hear from other developers and contributors what they
think, and if we reach an agreement we shall proceed with the

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