[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/2] img2: do not use CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO to trigger processing of independant y/u/v image files

Stefano Sabatini stefano.sabatini-lala
Sun Feb 13 11:09:46 CET 2011

On date Sunday 2011-02-13 10:29:53 +1100, Peter Ross encoded:
> At present img2 only supports the one RAWVIDEO file type, '.y'.
> The '.y' file type is special, in that it each frame consists of three files,
> .y, .u, and .v. As such, img2 has to perform special processing for this type,
> namely opening and closing the u & v files, and extracting planes from
> the yuv420p buffer.
> The .y file special processing is triggered when codec_id==CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO.
> This is fine, for the moment, because img2 only supports one RAWVIDEO file type.
> Patch 2/2 adds a second RAWVIDEO filetype. I do not want the special processing
> to happen for '.raw' files. So in Patch 1/1, the trigger condition is changed
> to 'is_y'.

Documenting this in the user docs would be nice.
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