[FFmpeg-devel] Compromise

Ivan Kalvachev ikalvachev
Fri Feb 4 09:55:17 CET 2011

On 2/4/11, Nicolas George <nicolas.george at normalesup.org> wrote:
> Le quintidi 15 pluvi?se, an CCXIX, Jason Garrett-Glaser a ?crit :
>> > <michaelni> compromise = "roots replaced by neutral people,
>> > stef,me,carl,reimar,baptiste joining commiters, clarification of
>> > leadership of new team, clarification of file maintainers vs commiters,
>> > some vission doc that lists goals of ffmpeg)
>> Why have you two unilaterally decided that Mans can speak for all of
>> us?
> Speaking only for myself:
> I had assumed that M?ns was informal chief/spokesperson for the commiters
> of git.ffmpeg.org because he is the most outspoken, and because no other
> has, if I remember correctly and limited to this list, stated that he did
> not adhere, until you right now.
> Michael has made a proposal, which I paste here for reference:
>>> roots replaced by neutral people
>>> stef,me,carl,reimar,baptiste joining commiters
>>> clarification of leadership of new team
>>> clarification of file maintainers vs commiters
>>> some vission doc that lists goals of ffmpeg
> I can understand that some of these condition are unacceptable to some
> people, but some others seem pretty reasonable to me.
> It would be nice if each one of the commiters could take time to answer,
> point by point, to these conditions and tell if he thinks them acceptable,
> and if not, why. Failing that, how are we (neither Michael nor the
> commiters) suppose to know that you do not adhere to M?ns' position, "all of
> it unacceptable; I will not reply again"?


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