[FFmpeg-devel] [VOTE] 1st/3rd person doxy
Stefano Sabatini
Wed Jul 28 13:35:00 CEST 2010
On date Monday 2010-07-19 02:12:26 +0200, Michael Niedermayer encoded:
> On Fri, Jul 09, 2010 at 03:43:55AM +0200, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > i get no free time and no sleep :(
> > heres the vote about the most important bikeshed this year.
> >
> > following options exist, also our script can handle people dynamically
> > adding new options and options rated equal but it cant handle it if you
> > dont duplicate my typos so copy & paste them.
> >
> > things should be listed and numbered in order of preferrance, with most
> > favored at the top
> > voting method in case they differ is the schulze methode and voting
> > application is svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/michael/trunk/ffvotetov
> >
> > 1. add a 1st person rule to policy
> > 2. 1st or 3rd person as the maintainer prefers, no addition to policy needed
> > 3. add a 3rd person rule to policy
> > 4. further discussion
> > 5. add a 1st person perogative rule to policy
> >
> >
> > also there are 2 contradicting viewpoints, first being that it should be
> > decided by our best english speakers and the second is that everyone
> > has to work with the documentation and thus should decide.
> > also theres the question if we need/want another rule or not
> >
> > vote period is 7 days from when its sent, after that the vote is over
> > and the result final.
> > in case no votes are received the voting period will be extended by a
> > week and if needed repeatly
> Ok, vote period is over, given that people where apparently not allowed
> to take their straight jackets off and submit votes that can be parsed
> by our script i tried my best to turn peoples comments in this thread into
> valid votes, if someone wishes to change his vote from how i interpreted it
> just say so and we extend the voting period by a week and people can then
> all change their votes.
> Jason: "6. Votes like this are stupid."
> 1. Votes like this are stupid.
> Mans: "I vote 6."
> 1. Votes like this are stupid.
> Diego
> > 6. Votes like this are stupid.
> That sums it up perfectly.
> 1. Votes like this are stupid.
> Mike
> What's wrong with the de facto policy of everyone adds documentation as
> best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> 1. everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Rob "I would vote for Mike's suggestion."
> 1. everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Benoit
> As far as '1st/3rd person doxy' is concerned, my personal preference
> (that I have not raised before) would be for the way it is today.
> The patch Stefano proposed to add this policy to the doc also looked OK.
> So I guess this is choice 5 of this pole.
> 1. add a 1st person rule to policy
> Vladimir Pantelic
> > What's wrong with the de facto policy of everyone adds documentation as
> > best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact?
> which makes it proposal 7) and I vote for it"
> 1. everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Stefano "I vote for the impersonal form, as it's the form currently implemented"
> 1. add a 1st person rule to policy
> Michael
> 1. 1st or 3rd person as the maintainer prefers, no addition to policy needed
> 2. add a 3rd person rule to policy
> 3. everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> 4. further discussion
> 5. add a 1st person rule to policy
> 6. add a 1st person perogative rule to policy
> 7. Votes like this are stupid.
> Parsed as:1 Votes like this are stupid.
> Parsed as:1 Votes like this are stupid.
> Parsed as:1 Votes like this are stupid.
> Parsed as:1 everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Parsed as:1 everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Parsed as:1 add a 1st person rule to policy
> Parsed as:1 everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Parsed as:1 add a 1st person rule to policy
> Parsed as:1 1st or 3rd person as the maintainer prefers, no addition to policy needed
> Parsed as:2 add a 3rd person rule to policy
> Parsed as:3 everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Parsed as:4 further discussion
> Parsed as:5 add a 1st person rule to policy
> Parsed as:6 add a 1st person perogative rule to policy
> Parsed as:7 Votes like this are stupid.
> Candidates:
> Borda: 18 30"Votes like this are stupid."
> Borda: 22 34"everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact"
> Borda: 14 23"add a 1st person rule to policy"
> Borda: 6 9"1st or 3rd person as the maintainer prefers, no addition to policy needed"
> Borda: 5 8"add a 3rd person rule to policy"
> Borda: 3 6"further discussion"
> Borda: 1 4"add a 1st person perogative rule to policy"
> Instant runoff winners:
> 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 3 3 2 1 0 0 0
> 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 3 4 2 0 0 0 0
> 3 4 2 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0
> 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
> 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Condorcet methods based on votes:
> Pair table:
> 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
> 4 0 4 3 3 4 4
> 3 2 0 2 2 2 3
> 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
> 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
> 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
> 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
> Condorcet winner(s):
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> minimax winner(s):
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> nameless? sum:
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Ranked pairs winner(s):
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Cloneproof schwartz sequential droping / beatpath winner(s):
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Condorcet methods based on margins:
> Pair table:
> 0 -1 0 2 2 2 2
> 1 0 2 2 2 4 4
> 0 -2 0 1 1 1 3
> -2 -2 -1 0 1 1 1
> -2 -2 -1 -1 0 1 1
> -2 -4 -1 -1 -1 0 1
> -2 -4 -3 -1 -1 -1 0
> Condorcet winner(s):
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> minimax winner(s):
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> nameless? sum:
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Ranked pairs winner(s):
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
> Cloneproof schwartz sequential droping / beatpath winner(s):
> everyone adds documentation as best they can and the native speakers clean it up after the fact
Patch dropped, and I lost every interest in this bikeshed, current
state is that FFmpeg-libswscale currently uses impersonal form, and
libswscale uses third person. Now I just expect new documentation
patches containing a mix of the two, well I'll try to not care.
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