[FFmpeg-devel] suppressing messages from ffmpeg in our code?

Ramiro Polla ramiro.polla
Fri Jan 15 22:22:38 CET 2010


On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 7:14 PM, Makoto Sadahiro <makoto at tacc.utexas.edu> wrote:
> ?is there a way to suppress messages from ffmpeg related libs in our code?
> ?As I get quite a lot of messages from ffmpeg to standard out, so it is
> difficult to read other messages that matters. ?Is there a mechanism to
> control verbose level of ffmpeg messages? ?I guess I am not using a right
> search keyword. ?I am not getting good search results so far... ?I would
> appreciate your help on this.

This question is better off in the libav-user mailinglist. This list
is only for the development of ffmpeg itself.

Ramiro Polla

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