[FFmpeg-devel] Git push repository

Tobias Bindhammer tobias.bindhammer
Wed Aug 25 11:18:56 CEST 2010

Am 25.08.2010 10:48, schrieb Benoit Fouet:
> On Wed, 25 Aug 2010 09:58:15 +0200 Tobias Bindhammer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a possibility to push changes directly via git?
> No. You can use git-svn though.

I was afraid of that answer :-)

that means i sequentially leech like 24695 branches from the svn-server via:
git svn clone -T trunk -b branches svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg ffmpeg
git svn init ... in the git clone seems to do the same as above.

Wouldn't that be OUCH? So what is the proposed workflow then?


Dipl. Ing. Tobias Bindhammer
Institut f?r Verteilte Systeme
Oberer Eselsberg          Phone: + 49 731/502-4235
Universit?t Ulm           Fax  : + 49 731/502-4142
D-89069 Ulm               mailto:tobias.bindhammer at uni-ulm.de

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