[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Channels correlation

Nicolas George nicolas.george
Fri Oct 30 15:34:22 CET 2009

Le nonidi 9 brumaire, an CCXVIII, Michael Niedermayer a ?crit?:
> yes, your "transposed from what i expect" matrix confused me (thats my
> problem i know). But isnt it faster the other way around? that loop reimar
> complained about would then be along consecutive elements.

I just tried: it is not faster, but it a bit more readable (especially the
pivot), so I kept it.

> What concerns me is that your code and lls do the same thing, and i dont
> see why we would need another implementation of this code.
> If the lls API is poor, maybe it can be improved rather than another lls
> implementation being added inside a muxer?

That is a perfectly valid concern indeed.

The lls.h API is used inside the main function of two encoders for pupular
formats (FLAC and ALAC), so it makes sense to seek speed rather than generic

But there are probably part of the code that can be separated and reused.
The Cholesky decomposition, for example, would probably be better in a
separate function. I will look into it further and hopefully submit patches
in a near future (although not right now, since there are other works I have
to finish before next week).


  Nicolas George
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