[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Add debug facilities for avfilter.c

Stefano Sabatini stefano.sabatini-lala
Mon Oct 5 23:46:28 CEST 2009

On date Monday 2009-10-05 22:42:04 +0200, Michael Niedermayer encoded:
> On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 10:37:10PM +0200, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 09:34:50PM +0200, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
> > > On date Monday 2009-10-05 00:32:40 +0200, Michael Niedermayer encoded:
> > > > On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 06:40:12PM +0200, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
> [...]
> > > > the buffers and snprintf() are useless, a single av_log call is enough
> > > 
> > > How? I'd like to keep the dprint_STUFF functions, so it's easy to
> > > add/customize other traces in other places if necessary.
> > 
> > you have a single function that prints it all and you call that single
> > function from various places
> > that function is #defined to ; if DEBUG is not set
> > you pass NULL if you dont have some link or picref
> > the fuction just calls av_log() or dprintf()
> > 
> > this is simpler than your code
> it also could be 2 functions, one for picref and one for link
> but the snprintf + buffers + av_log is unneeded they can print directly

What about:
request_frame   : link[0xa0562b0 s:100x200 hflip           ->ffplay_output   ]
request_frame   : link[0xa056200 s:100x200 scale           ->hflip           ]
request_frame   : link[0xa034040 s:464x348 crop            ->scale           ]
request_frame   : link[0xa0340a0 s:464x348 vflip           ->crop            ]
request_frame   : link[0xa031d60 s:464x348 ffplay_input    ->vflip           ]
get_video_buffer: link[0xa031d60 s:464x348 ffplay_input    ->vflip           ] perms:2 w:464 h:348
get_video_buffer: link[0xa0340a0 s:464x348 vflip           ->crop            ] perms:2 w:464 h:348
get_video_buffer: link[0xa034040 s:464x348 crop            ->scale           ] perms:2 w:464 h:348
get_video_buffer: link[0xa034040 s:464x348 crop            ->scale           ] returning picref[0xa033fd0 data[0xa1f9750, 0xa220e10, 0xa22b130, (nil)] linesize[464, 240, 240, 0] pts:0 s:464x348]
get_video_buffer: link[0xa0340a0 s:464x348 vflip           ->crop            ] returning picref[0xa033fd0 data[0xa1f9750, 0xa220e10, 0xa22b130, (nil)] linesize[464, 240, 240, 0] pts:0 s:464x348]
get_video_buffer: link[0xa031d60 s:464x348 ffplay_input    ->vflip           ] returning picref[0xa033fd0 data[0xa220c40, 0xa22b040, 0xa235360, (nil)] linesize[-464, -240, -240, 0] pts:0 s:464x348]
start_frame     : link[0xa031d60 s:464x348 ffplay_input    ->vflip           ] picref[0xa006ea0 data[0xa220c40, 0xa22b040, 0xa235360, (nil)] linesize[-464, -240, -240, 0] pts:900000 s:464x348]
start_frame     : link[0xa0340a0 s:464x348 vflip           ->crop            ] picref[0xa057440 data[0xa1f9750, 0xa220e10, 0xa22b130, (nil)] linesize[464, 240, 240, 0] pts:900000 s:464x348]
start_frame     : link[0xa034040 s:464x348 crop            ->scale           ] picref[0xa08b230 data[0xa1f9750, 0xa220e10, 0xa22b130, (nil)] linesize[464, 240, 240, 0] pts:900000 s:464x348]
get_video_buffer: link[0xa056200 s:100x200 scale           ->hflip           ] perms:2 w:100 h:200
get_video_buffer: link[0xa0562b0 s:100x200 hflip           ->ffplay_output   ] perms:2 w:100 h:200
get_video_buffer: link[0xa0562b0 s:100x200 hflip           ->ffplay_output   ] returning picref[0xa031e40 data[0xa235480, 0xa23ac00, 0xa23c500, (nil)] linesize[112, 64, 64, 0] pts:0 s:100x200]
get_video_buffer: link[0xa056200 s:100x200 scale           ->hflip           ] returning picref[0xa031e40 data[0xa235480, 0xa23ac00, 0xa23c500, (nil)] linesize[112, 64, 64, 0] pts:0 s:100x200]
start_frame     : link[0xa056200 s:100x200 scale           ->hflip           ] picref[0xa031fb0 data[0xa235480, 0xa23ac00, 0xa23c500, (nil)] linesize[112, 64, 64, 0] pts:900000 s:100x200]
get_video_buffer: link[0xa0562b0 s:100x200 hflip           ->ffplay_output   ] perms:2 w:100 h:200
get_video_buffer: link[0xa0562b0 s:100x200 hflip           ->ffplay_output   ] returning picref[0xa032020 data[0xa23de30, 0xa2435b0, 0xa244eb0, (nil)] linesize[112, 64, 64, 0] pts:0 s:100x200]
start_frame     : link[0xa0562b0 s:100x200 hflip           ->ffplay_output   ] picref[0xa057290 data[0xa23de30, 0xa2435b0, 0xa244eb0, (nil)] linesize[112, 64, 64, 0] pts:900000 s:100x200]
draw_slice      : link[0xa031d60 s:464x348 ffplay_input    ->vflip           ] y:0 h:348
draw_slice      : link[0xa0340a0 s:464x348 vflip           ->crop            ] y:0 h:348
draw_slice      : link[0xa034040 s:464x348 crop            ->scale           ] y:0 h:348
draw_slice      : link[0xa056200 s:100x200 scale           ->hflip           ] y:0 h:200
draw_slice      : link[0xa0562b0 s:100x200 hflip           ->ffplay_output   ] y:0 h:200

Now I wonder if keeping some void function would affect performance,
ideally a clever compiler should avoid to even call such functions (an
empty function which calls an empty function), but in practice things
may be different. In that case a macro is still preferable.

FFmpeg = Faboulous and Faithful Marvellous Plastic Enhanced Game
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