[FFmpeg-devel] How do I display I-frames only in H.264
bun bun
Wed May 6 14:51:49 CEST 2009
I am working with H.264,too. do you have any experience with frame rate? does frame rate (fps) affect the quality video coded H.264 ? please answer as clear as possible.
--- On Mon, 5/4/09, Waters, Ralph <rwaters at pelco.com> wrote:
From: Waters, Ralph <rwaters at pelco.com>
Subject: [FFmpeg-devel] How do I display I-frames only in H.264
To: ffmpeg-devel at mplayerhq.hu
Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 4:22 AM
Hi All,
> I'm not sure of all the ffmpeg lists and how to properly use them, so
> if I am in the wrong area for this question, I would greatly
> appreciate being pointed to the right area, and thank you in advance.
> I was wondering if anyone has any clue on how to just display I-frames
> only for a H.264 stream. I have had an easy time of getting MPEG-4 to
> display I-frame only data by using the pCodexCtx->skip_frame =
> AVDISCARD_NONKEY And it works like a charm. For H.264 this variable
> doesn't seem to work, although I'm not sure why. My h.264 profile is
> baseline 3.1 and it contains only I and P frames.
> How can I throw the P-frames away, without taking the CPU time to
> decode them?
> Thanks, Rusty Waters
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