[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] vfilters (germinal) docs

Stefano Sabatini stefano.sabatini-lala
Sun Mar 22 01:16:28 CET 2009

On date Sunday 2009-03-22 00:18:15 +0100, V??ctor Paesa encoded:
> + at section scale
> +
> + at example
> +./ffmpeg -i in.avi -vfilters "scale=200:100:sws_flags=bicubic" out.avi
> + at end example


The second '=' needs to be escaped, or the parser will interpret the
'=' as a termination char, and will choke on:
Unable to parse graph description substring: "=bicubic"

> + at section movie
> +
> +The parameters of the movie filter are
> + at example
> + seekpoint in microseconds : string format : string filename
> + at end example
> +
> +We can overlay a second movie on top of a main one
> +
> + at example
> + input -----------> deltapts0 --> overlay --> output
> +                                    ^
> + movie --> scale--> deltapts1 ------|
> + at end example
> +
> +To do that
> +
> + at example
> +ffmpeg -i in.avi -s 240x320 -vfilters "[in]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,[T1]overlay=16:16[out];movie=3200000:avi:in.avi,scale=180:144,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[T1]" -y out.avi

Please use spaces there, this command looks soooo scary...

Also could you explain briefly why the setpts filter is needed?


And thanks for it!

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