[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Indent libswscale.

Ramiro Polla ramiro.polla
Sat Aug 15 05:34:18 CEST 2009


Attached patch (bzip2ed, since the patch is 187Kb) indents a bunch of
stuff in libswscale. Most changes are:
- Stuff indented 4 spaces more or less;
- One file with 2 space indentation -> 4 space indentation;
- Function calls and declarations align arguments to function name and (;
- cases in switches in the same column as the "switch" statement;
- Most asm in rgb2rgb_template.c has the assembly instructions
starting at the same column as "__asm__" itself, indented by 4 spaces.

I think that's it...

Ramiro Polla
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