[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Core Audio Format demuxer
Mike Melanson
Mon Aug 10 05:31:14 CEST 2009
Alex Converse wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 5:41 AM, Peter Ross<pross at xvid.org> wrote:
>> Enclosed is a revised version of Justin Ruggles CAF demuxer.
> I realise this is somewhat OT seeing as it doesn't have to do with the
> fitness of the code. But I'm curious, does CAF offer any advantages
> over using mov/isom?
I always thought it's another format Apple created so they could replace
the obsolete AIFF.
Browsing through the CAF spec, I think it has support for lots of
features missing from MOV (though there's no reason they couldn't be
added to MOV). Lots of channels, high samples rates, high bit precision,
even that weird audio format found on SACDs.
-Mike Melanson
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