[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] als in mp4

Jai Menon jmenon86
Mon Apr 6 14:12:36 CEST 2009

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Baptiste Coudurier
<baptiste.coudurier at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jai,
> On 4/3/2009 3:00 AM, Jai Menon wrote:
>> On 3/23/09, Baptiste Coudurier <baptiste.coudurier at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Jai Menon wrote:
>>> ?> On 3/23/09, Baptiste Coudurier <baptiste.coudurier at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> ?>> Jai Menon wrote:
>>> ?>> ?>> [...]
>>> ?>>
>>> ?>> ?>>
>>> ?>> ?>> When were they initially set to the correct values?
>>> ?>> ?>
>>> ?>> ?> stsd atom/box? i think
>>> ?>> ?>
>>> ?>>
>>> ?>>
>>> ?>> Hummm, stsd does not contain the correct sample number for everything
>>> ?>> ?using 'mp4a' tag. Values are correct in 'esds' box.
>>> ?>
>>> ?> Which means we should parse the extradata (in this case als specific
>>> ?> conf) and get values from there? I can do this for als by maybe adding
>>> ?> a new function to mpeg4audio.c.
>>> I don't know how exactly ALS works, but it might use the
>>> ?AudioSpecificConfig like others, this code might belong to mpeg4audio.c,
>>> ?yes.
>> So hows attached patch?
> I think the AOT_ALS case should be handled within mpeg4audio_get_config,
> to retrieve correct sample_rate/channels if these are not set in
> AudioSpecificCOnfig, I also beleve all AOT should be handled this way.

another attempt.


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