[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] H.264: decode picture timingSEI messageand get field order

Andreas Öman andreas
Tue Nov 4 19:32:32 CET 2008

Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 09:03:28PM +0900, Haruhiko Yamagata wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 15:07:33, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>>>> +                if(h->sps.time_offset_length > 0)
>>>> +                    skip_bits(&s->gb, 5); /* time_offset */
>>> shouldnt this be skip_bits(&s->gb, h->sps.time_offset_length) ?
>> Yes, it was my mistake.
>>> [...]
>>>> Index: libavcodec/h264.h
>>>> ===================================================================
>>>> --- libavcodec/h264.h (revision 15766)
>>>> +++ libavcodec/h264.h (working copy)
>>>> @@ -110,6 +110,18 @@
>>>>  };
>>>>  +typedef enum {
>>>> +    SEI_PIC_STRUCT_FRAME             = 0, // *  0: frame
>>>> +    SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_FIELD         = 1, // *  1: top field
>>>> +    SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_FIELD      = 2, // *  2: bottom field
>>>> +    SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM        = 3, // *  3: top field, bottom 
>>>> field, in that order
>>>> +    SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP        = 4, // *  4: bottom field, top 
>>>> field, in that order
>>>> +    SEI_PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM_TOP    = 5, // *  5: top field, bottom 
>>>> field, top field repeated, in that order
>>>> +    SEI_PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP_BOTTOM = 6, // *  6: bottom field, top 
>>>> field, bottom field repeated, in that order
>>>> +    SEI_PIC_STRUCT_FRAME_DOUBLING    = 7, // *  7: frame doubling
>>>> +    SEI_PIC_STRUCT_FRAME_TRIPLING    = 8  // *  8: frame tripling
>>>> +} SEI_PicStructType;
>>> The comments do not look doxygen compatible
>> fixed.
>>> Also besides these, it would be interresting to also parse PPS/SPS/SEI in
>>> the AVParser (h264_parser.c). While that is unrelated to your patch, it
>>> would be a step toward fixing some long standing timestamp issues with
>>> h264 in mpeg-ps/ts and should not be too hard as the existing parsing code
>>> could be shared. Iam just mentioning this because i thought maybe you
>>> are interrested to work on this too,
>> Thank you for this offer. I'm feeling happy with your words.
>> But I'm sorry, I'm not acquainted with parser code.
>> I don't seem to be able to handle it.
> ok, and patch ok


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