[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Common ACELP code & G.729 [6/7] - G.729 postfilter

Vladimir Voroshilov voroshil
Sat May 17 18:55:32 CEST 2008

2008/5/17 The Wanderer <inverseparadox at comcast.net>:
> Vladimir Voroshilov wrote:
>> 2008/5/15 Diego Biurrun <diego at biurrun.de>:
>>> On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 10:01:41PM +0700, Vladimir Voroshilov wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> + * At second stage long-term postfilter searches best fractional pitch
>>>> + * delay with 1/(1+ANALYZED_FRAC_DELAYS) resolution around found at first stage
>>>> + * integer pitch delay.
>>> Ummm, "around" what?
>> around _found_at_first_stage_integer_pitch_delay_.
>> How to spell this correctly?
> It's already spelled correctly, it just isn't phrased correctly.
> If I understand this sentence correctly, I would write it as something
> like
> ==
> At the second stage, the long-term postfilter searches for the best
> fractional pitch delay which has a resolution of
> 1/(1+ANALYZED_FRAC_DELAYS) and is near the integer pitch delay which was
> found in the first stage.
> ==

If i understood you right above sentence is not what i wanted to say.
In my sentence I just meant that search is being done in
[best_pitch_delay-1; best_pitch_delay+1] range with
1/(1+ANALYZED_FRAC_DELAYS) precision. Where best_pitch_delay is
 the integer pitch delay which was found in the first stage.

Vladimir Voroshilov mailto:voroshil at gmail.com
JID: voroshil at gmail.com, voroshil at jabber.ru
ICQ: 95587719

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