[FFmpeg-devel] Adding .rc files for win32

Jeremy Kolb jkolb
Thu May 15 20:47:08 CEST 2008

Jeremy Kolb wrote:
> Jeremy Kolb wrote:
>> Ramiro Polla wrote:
>>> Jeremy Kolb wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I want to add a .rc file for the av* dlls on windows.  This would allow 
>>>> the embedding of versioning information in the dll that windows explorer 
>>>> can read (think right clicking on the dll and choosing version, you get 
>>>> legal notices, credits, version numbers etc).  The benefits are:
>>>> 1.  Making it easier for users to identify which version of a dll they 
>>>> have on their system.
>>>> 2.  Windows installers can query the dll version which makes updating 
>>>> easier.
>>>> My question is how to go about doing this.  I was thinking of including 
>>>> a skeleton .rc file for each lib, sed in the appropriate version 
>>>> information in the make process,, writing to a new rc file,converting it 
>>>> to a .o file with cvtres and then linking that in the final dll.
>>>> However I also noticed that in configure there is a pkgconfig_generate() 
>>>> function.  I could also go the route of creating a similar function for 
>>>> .rc files and generate them on the fly.  Which would be the preferred 
>>>> method?
>>> Great. I tried that a long time ago [0]. It should be easier now with 
>>> non-recursive Makefile. That patch has to be updated to current FFmpeg 
>>> SVN, and split out in a few patches (like setting the license variable 
>>> is a separate thing).
>>> Ramiro Polla
>>> [0] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.ffmpeg.devel/41950
>>> _______________________________________________
>> Great. I just started down this same path.
>> Jeremy
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>> ffmpeg-devel mailing list
>> ffmpeg-devel at mplayerhq.hu
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> Ramiro,
> The patch helps imensely.  I think I have it mostly working except for 
> the dependency on version.h.  Wherever I put $(SLIB_EXTRA_DEP) it can't 
> find the rule to make 'version.h'.  Where's the correct place to put it?
> Jeremy
> _______________________________________________

Here's my version so far.  It's based mostly on the patch that you 
linked me to.  It doesn't work yet as I'm not sure where SLIB_EXTRA_DEP 
and SLIB_EXTRA_OBJS goes in the makefiles.

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