[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] MLP/TrueHD Decoder - 2nd try

Michael Niedermayer michaelni
Mon Jun 30 21:35:22 CEST 2008

On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 12:41:17PM +0100, Ramiro Polla wrote:
> Hello,
> mlpdec.c is Ian's MLP/TrueHD decoder with a few modifications as can be 
> seen in the SoC tree.

> Valgrind doesn't complain about invalid writes on a bunch of trashed files 
> and some manually edited files that pass the checks as well.

I assume that you disabled all checksum checks for these tests?

> static const char* sample_message =
>     "Please file a bug report following the instructions at "
>     "http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/bugreports.html and include "
>     "a sample of this file.";

Dont we already have something like that somewhere? Or was that another
unfinished patch, either way above can be shared wth other codecs ...

> typedef struct MLPDecodeContext {
>     AVCodecContext *avctx;
>     //! Do we have valid stream data read from a major sync block?
>     uint8_t     params_valid;
>     //! Number of substreams contained within this stream
>     uint8_t     num_substreams;
>     //! Index of the last substream to decode - further substreams are skipped
>     uint8_t     max_decoded_substream;
>     //! Number of PCM samples contained in each frame
>     int         access_unit_size;
>     //! Next power of two above the number of samples in each frame
>     int         access_unit_size_pow2;
>     //! For each substream, whether a restart header has been read
>     uint8_t     restart_seen[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];

I think it would be more readable if the comments where aligned to the
right of the variables

>     //@{
>     /** Restart header data */
>     //! The sync word used at the start of the last restart header
>     uint16_t    restart_sync_word[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! The index of the first channel coded in this substream
>     uint8_t     min_channel[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! The index of the last channel coded in this substream
>     uint8_t     max_channel[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! The number of channels input into the rematrix stage
>     uint8_t     max_matrix_channel[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! The left shift applied to random noise in 0x31ea substreams
>     uint8_t     noise_shift[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! The current seed value for the pseudorandom noise generator(s)
>     uint32_t    noisegen_seed[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! Does this substream contain extra info to check the size of VLC blocks?
>     uint8_t     data_check_present[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! Bitmask of which parameter sets are conveyed in a decoding parameter block
>     uint8_t     param_presence_flags[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
> #define PARAM_BLOCKSIZE     (1 << 7)
> #define PARAM_MATRIX        (1 << 6)
> #define PARAM_OUTSHIFT      (1 << 5)
> #define PARAM_QUANTSTEP     (1 << 4)
> #define PARAM_FIR           (1 << 3)
> #define PARAM_IIR           (1 << 2)
> #define PARAM_HUFFOFFSET    (1 << 1)
>     //@}
>     //@{
>     /** Matrix data */
>     //! Number of matrices to be applied
>     uint8_t     num_primitive_matrices[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! Output channel of matrix
>     uint8_t     matrix_ch[MAX_SUBSTREAMS][MAX_MATRICES];
>     //! Whether the LSBs of the matrix output are encoded in the bitstream
>     uint8_t     lsb_bypass[MAX_SUBSTREAMS][MAX_MATRICES];
>     //! Matrix coefficients, stored as 2.14 fixed point
>     int32_t     matrix_coeff[MAX_SUBSTREAMS][MAX_MATRICES][MAX_CHANNELS+2];
>     //! Left shift to apply to noise values in 0x31eb substreams
>     uint8_t     matrix_noise_shift[MAX_SUBSTREAMS][MAX_MATRICES];
>     //@}
>     //! Left shift to apply to huffman-decoded residuals
>     uint8_t     quant_step_size[MAX_SUBSTREAMS][MAX_CHANNELS];
>     //! Number of PCM samples in current audio block
>     uint16_t    blocksize[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! Number of PCM samples decoded so far in this frame
>     uint16_t    blockpos[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     //! Left shift to apply to decoded PCM values to get final 24-bit output
>     int8_t      output_shift[MAX_SUBSTREAMS][MAX_CHANNELS];
>     //@{
>     /** Filter data. */
> #define FIR 0
> #define IIR 1
>     //! Number of taps in filter
>     uint8_t     filter_order[MAX_CHANNELS][2];
>     //! Right shift to apply to output of filter
>     uint8_t     filter_coeff_q[MAX_CHANNELS][2];
>     uint8_t     filter_index[MAX_CHANNELS][2];
>     int32_t     filter_coeff[MAX_CHANNELS][2][MAX_FILTER_ORDER];
>     int32_t     filter_state[MAX_CHANNELS][2][MAX_FILTER_ORDER];
>     //@}
>     //@{
>     /** Sample data coding infomation */
>     //! Offset to apply to residual values
>     int16_t     huff_offset[MAX_CHANNELS];
>     //! Sign/rounding corrected version of huff_offset
>     int32_t     sign_huff_offset[MAX_CHANNELS];
>     //! Which VLC codebook to use to read residuals
>     uint8_t     codebook[MAX_CHANNELS];
>     //! Size of residual suffix not encoded using VLC
>     uint8_t     huff_lsbs[MAX_CHANNELS];
>     //@}
>     //! Running XOR of all output samples
>     int32_t     lossless_check_data[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     int8_t      noise_buffer[MAX_BLOCKSIZE_POW2];
>     int8_t      bypassed_lsbs[MAX_BLOCKSIZE][MAX_CHANNELS];
>     int32_t     sample_buffer[MAX_BLOCKSIZE][MAX_CHANNELS+2];
> } MLPDecodeContext;

There are so many blah[substr] all over the place, maybe putting these
in a SubStream struct would simplify the code?

> /** Initialize the decoder. */
> static int mlp_decode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)

you dont really need a mlp_ before static functions in mlp*.c
and the doxy comment is close to useless

>     m->min_channel       [substr] = get_bits(gbp, 4);
>     m->max_channel       [substr] = get_bits(gbp, 4);
>     m->max_matrix_channel[substr] = get_bits(gbp, 4);
>     if (m->min_channel[substr] > m->max_channel[substr]) {
>         av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
>                "Substream min channel cannot be greater than max channel.\n");
>         m->min_channel[substr] = m->max_channel[substr]
>             = m->max_matrix_channel[substr] = 0;
>         return -1;
>     }

i wonder if it would be cleaner to read into local vars and assign to the
structs after validation but then maybe not i dunno

> static int read_filter_params(MLPDecodeContext *m, GetBitContext *gbp,
>                               unsigned int channel, unsigned int filter)
> {
>     const char fchar = filter ? 'I' : 'F';
>     int i, order;
>     // filter is 0 for FIR, 1 for IIR
>     assert(filter < 2);
>     order = get_bits(gbp, 4);
>     if (order > MAX_FILTER_ORDER) {
>         av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
>                "%cIR filter order %d is greater than maximum %d\n",
>                fchar, order, MAX_FILTER_ORDER);
>         return -1;
>     }
>     m->filter_order[channel][filter] = order;
>     if (order > 0) {
>         int coeff_bits, coeff_shift;
>         m->filter_coeff_q[channel][filter] = get_bits(gbp, 4);

>         coeff_bits = get_bits(gbp, 5);
>         coeff_shift = get_bits(gbp, 3);

vertical align

>                 m->matrix_ch[substr][mat] = get_bits(gbp, 4);
>                 frac_bits = get_bits(gbp, 4);
>                 m->lsb_bypass[substr][mat] = get_bits1(gbp);
>                 if (m->matrix_ch[substr][mat] > m->max_channel[substr]) {
>                     av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
>                            "Invalid channel %d specified as output from matrix\n",
>                            m->matrix_ch[substr][mat]);
>                     m->matrix_ch[substr][mat] = 0;
>                     return -1;
>                 }

is the = 0 still needed? MAX_CHANNELS is 16 and sample_buffer is large enough
apparently for that.

>     if (m->param_presence_flags[substr] & PARAM_OUTSHIFT)
>         if (get_bits1(gbp)) {
>             for (ch = 0; ch <= m->max_matrix_channel[substr]; ch++) {
>                 m->output_shift[substr][ch] = get_bits(gbp, 4);
>                 dprintf(m->avctx, "output shift[%d] = %d\n",
>                         ch, m->output_shift[substr][ch]);
>                 /* TODO: validate */
>             }
>         }
>     if (m->param_presence_flags[substr] & PARAM_QUANTSTEP)
>         if (get_bits1(gbp))
>             for (ch = 0; ch <= m->max_channel[substr]; ch++) {
>                 m->quant_step_size[substr][ch] = get_bits(gbp, 4);
>                 /* TODO: validate */
>                 calculate_sign_huff(m, substr, ch);
>             }

inconsistant {}

> /** Generate a PCM sample using the prediction filters and a residual value
>  *  read from the data stream, and update the filter state.
>  */
> static int filter_sample(MLPDecodeContext *m, unsigned int substr,
>                          unsigned int channel, int32_t residual)
> {
>     unsigned int i, j, index;
>     int64_t accum = 0;
>     int32_t result;
>     /* TODO: Move this code to DSPContext? */
> #define INDEX(channel, order, pos) \
>     ((m->filter_index[channel][order] + (pos)) & (MAX_FILTER_ORDER - 1))
>     for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
>         for (i = 0; i < m->filter_order[channel][j]; i++)
>             accum += (int64_t)m->filter_state[channel][j][INDEX(channel,j,i)] *
>                      m->filter_coeff[channel][j][i];
>     accum = accum >> m->filter_coeff_q[channel][FIR];
>     result = (accum + residual)
>                 & ~((1 << m->quant_step_size[substr][channel]) - 1);
>     index = INDEX(channel, FIR, -1);
>     m->filter_state[channel][FIR][index] = result;
>     m->filter_index[channel][FIR] = index;
>     index = INDEX(channel, IIR, -1);
>     m->filter_state[channel][IIR][index] = result - accum;
>     m->filter_index[channel][IIR] = index;
> #undef INDEX
>     return result;
> }

Why the complicated indexing?
how big would filter_state be if it where a normal flat array? 160 entries?

> /** Read a block of PCM residual (or actual if no filtering active) data.
>  */
> static int read_block_data(MLPDecodeContext *m, GetBitContext *gbp,
>                            unsigned int substr)
> {
>     unsigned int i, mat, ch, expected_stream_pos = 0;

>     if (m->data_check_present[substr])
>         expected_stream_pos = get_bits_count(gbp) + get_bits(gbp, 16);
>         /* UNTESTED - find an example stream */

tell the user to upload one if above is true

>     if (m->blockpos[substr] + m->blocksize[substr] > m->access_unit_size) {
>         av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Too many audio samples in frame\n");
>         return -1;
>     }
>     memset(&m->bypassed_lsbs[m->blockpos[substr]][0], 0,
>            m->blocksize[substr] * MAX_CHANNELS);

instead of MAX_CHANNELS a sizeof would be nicer

>     for (i = 0; i < m->blocksize[substr]; i++) {
>         for (mat = 0; mat < m->num_primitive_matrices[substr]; mat++)
>             if (m->lsb_bypass[substr][mat])
>                 m->bypassed_lsbs[i + m->blockpos[substr]][mat] = get_bits1(gbp);
>         for (ch = m->min_channel[substr]; ch <= m->max_channel[substr]; ch++) {
>             int32_t sample;

>             if (read_huff(m, gbp, substr, ch, &sample) < 0)
>                 return -1;

please use the return value instead of passing pointers to it

>         for (i = 0; i < m->blockpos[substr]; i++) {
>             int64_t accum = 0;
>             for (src_ch = 0; src_ch <= maxchan; src_ch++) {
>                 accum += (int64_t)m->sample_buffer[i][src_ch]
>                                   * m->matrix_coeff[substr][mat][src_ch];
>             }
>             if (m->matrix_noise_shift[substr][mat]) {
>                 uint32_t index = m->num_primitive_matrices[substr] - mat;
>                 index = (i * (index * 2 + 1) + index) & (m->access_unit_size_pow2 - 1);
>                 accum += m->noise_buffer[index] << (m->matrix_noise_shift[substr][mat] + 7);
>             }
>             m->sample_buffer[i][dest_ch] = ((accum >> 14) & ~((1 << m->quant_step_size[substr][dest_ch]) - 1))
>                                              + m->bypassed_lsbs[i][mat];
>         }

following may be faster ...

index = m->num_primitive_matrices[substr] - mat;
index2= 2*index+1;
for (i = 0; i < m->blockpos[substr]; i++) {
    if (m->matrix_noise_shift[substr][mat]) {
        index &= m->access_unit_size_pow2 - 1;
        accum += m->noise_buffer[index] << (m->matrix_noise_shift[substr][mat] + 7);
        index += index2;

> static int read_access_unit(AVCodecContext *avctx, void* data, int *data_size,
>                             const uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
> {
>     MLPDecodeContext *m = avctx->priv_data;
>     GetBitContext gb;
>     unsigned int length, substr;
>     unsigned int substream_start;
>     unsigned int header_size = 0;
>     uint8_t substream_parity_present[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     uint16_t substream_data_len[MAX_SUBSTREAMS];
>     uint8_t parity_bits = 0;
>     if (buf_size < 4)
>         return 0;
>     length = (AV_RB16(buf) & 0xfff) * 2;
>     if (length > buf_size)
>         return -1;
>     init_get_bits(&gb, buf, (length - 4) * 8);
>     if (show_bits_long(&gb, 31) == (0xf8726fba >> 1)) {
>         dprintf(m->avctx, "Found major sync\n");
>         if (read_major_sync(m, &gb) < 0)
>             goto error;
>         header_size += 28;
>         buf += 28;
>     }
>     if (!m->params_valid) {
>         av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,
>                "Stream parameters not seen; skipping frame\n");
>         *data_size = 0;
>         return length;
>     }
>     substream_start = 0;
>     for (substr = 0; substr < m->num_substreams; substr++) {
>         int extraword_present, checkdata_present, end;
>         extraword_present = get_bits1(&gb);
>         skip_bits1(&gb);
>         checkdata_present = get_bits1(&gb);
>         skip_bits1(&gb);
>         end = get_bits(&gb, 12) * 2;
>         PARITY_2BYTES;

isnt that doing the same as calculate_parity() ? if so why is it using these
MACROS spread over the whole code ...

>         if (extraword_present) {
>             skip_bits(&gb, 16);
>             PARITY_2BYTES;
>         }
>         if (end + header_size > length) {
>             av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
>                    "Substream %d data indicated length goes off end of packet.\n",
>                    substr);
>             end = length - header_size;
>         }
>         if (end < substream_start) {
>             av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
>                    "Substream %d data indicated end offset "
>                    "is before calculated start offset.\n",
>                    substr);
>             goto error;
>         }
>         if (substr > m->max_decoded_substream)
>             continue;
>         substream_parity_present[substr] = checkdata_present;
>         substream_data_len[substr] = end - substream_start;
>         substream_start = end;
>     }
>     if ((((parity_bits >> 4) ^ parity_bits) & 0xF) != 0xF) {
>         av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Parity check failed.\n");
>         goto error;
>     }
>     for (substr = 0; substr <= m->max_decoded_substream; substr++) {
>         init_get_bits(&gb, buf, substream_data_len[substr] * 8);
>         m->blockpos[substr] = 0;
>         do {
>             if (get_bits1(&gb)) {
>                 if (get_bits1(&gb)) {
>                     /* A restart header should be present */
>                     if (read_restart_header(m, &gb, buf, substr) < 0)
>                         goto error;
>                     m->restart_seen[substr] = 1;
>                 }
>                 if (!m->restart_seen[substr]) {
>                     av_log(m->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
>                            "No restart header present in substream %d.\n",
>                            substr);
>                     goto error;
>                 }
>                 if (read_decoding_params(m, &gb, substr) < 0)
>                     goto error;

Does an error in one substream affect the others? if not these hard errors
is not ideal.

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Breaking DRM is a little like attempting to break through a door even
though the window is wide open and the only thing in the house is a bunch
of things you dont want and which you would get tomorrow for free anyway
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