[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] to support newer neAAC for libfaadbin

Zdenek Kabelac zdenek.kabelac
Sat Jan 26 09:30:42 CET 2008

2008/1/26, Rich Felker <dalias at aerifal.cx>:
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 12:23:32PM +0100, Zdenek Kabelac wrote:
> > But if you want to support this style of linking for libraries which
> > are mostly prohibited to be regularly legally distributed and you want
> I don't think we do. Support for this crap should be removed entirely;
> then someone can write a free decoder.

I guess it would be hard to explain this....
As you 'might' have noticed - the libraries which are opened at
runtime are already free and mostly GPL.

There are two things:

1 - There are countries (not mine - but others) who have strange
patent law. As you probably don't care about the problems that some
linux distributors have in the case they would want to release
binaries, it would be pointless to explain the advantage of having one
free to distribute library which might open in runtime libs which
users eventually download&compile/install from other sources.

2 - If the user will never use i.e. digital camera and he wants to
limit the      size of installed distribution (i.e. running from flash
and others) he would have to recompile and install library himself and
cannot use binary released version - again - you most probably don't
care - as the user who is unable to compile ffmpeg is not worthy to
use it....

> > to avoid releasing multiple different binaries - I don't see any other
> > easy way :(
> Easy, we don't release any binaries. And again, copies linked to the
> offending libraries are not distributable _at all_.

As I said above...


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