[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] MMX implementation of VC-1 inverse transforms

Michael Niedermayer michaelni
Mon Jan 14 12:05:23 CET 2008

On Sun, Jan 13, 2008 at 05:10:30PM +0100, Christophe GISQUET wrote:
> Each function is around 2 times faster. Functions taking the most time
> now are top level ones or for entropy decoding.
> +DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(const uint64_t, ff_pw_6)  = 0x0006000600060006LL;


> +DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(const uint64_t, ff_pw_12) = 0x000C000C000C000CLL;
> +
> +static void vc1_inv_trans8_1d(DCTELEM *block, long int off, int rnd1, int rnd2, unsigned int shift)
> +{
> +    DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(uint64_t, mm_rnd1);
> +    DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(uint64_t, mm_rnd2);
> +    /* Might already be aligned on the stack */
> +    DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(uint64_t, mm_shift) = shift;
> +

> +    asm volatile (
> +        "movd      %2, %%mm0    \n\t"
> +        "movd      %3, %%mm1    \n\t"
> +        "punpcklwd %%mm0, %%mm0 \n\t"
> +        "punpcklwd %%mm1, %%mm1 \n\t"
> +        "punpckldq %%mm0, %%mm0 \n\t"
> +        "punpckldq %%mm1, %%mm1 \n\t"
> +        "movq      %%mm0, %0    \n\t"
> +        "movq      %%mm1, %1    \n\t"
> +        : "+m"(mm_rnd1), "+m"(mm_rnd2)
> +        : "m"(rnd1), "m"(rnd2)
> +    );

as rnd1 and 2 as well as shift are constants, building these in the inner
loops is completely unnacceptable, you should pass int64_t arguments

> +
> +    asm volatile(
> +        "movq    (%0     ), %%mm1 \n\t"
> +        "movq    (%0,%1,4), %%mm2 \n\t"
> +        "movq    (%0,%1,2), %%mm3 \n\t"
> +        "movq    (%0,%2,2), %%mm4 \n\t"
> +        "movq    %%mm1, %%mm0 \n\t"
> +        "psubw   %%mm2, %%mm1 \n\t"  /* s0-s4 */
> +        "paddw   %%mm2, %%mm0 \n\t"  /* s0+s4*/
> +        "movq    %%mm3, %%mm5 \n\t"
> +        "movq    %%mm4, %%mm6 \n\t"
> +        "pmullw  ff_pw_12, %%mm0 \n\t"  /* t1 */
> +        "pmullw  ff_pw_12, %%mm1 \n\t"  /* t2 */
> +        "psllw   $4, %%mm3 \n\t"      /* 16s2 */
> +        "psllw   $4, %%mm6 \n\t"      /* 16s6 */
> +        "pmullw  ff_pw_6, %%mm5 \n\t"  /* 6s2 */
> +        "pmullw  ff_pw_6, %%mm4 \n\t"  /* 6s6 */
> +        "psubw   %%mm6, %%mm5 \n\t"     /* t4 */
> +        "paddw   %%mm4, %%mm3 \n\t"     /* t3 */
> +
> +        "movq    %%mm0, %%mm2 \n\t"
> +        "movq    %%mm1, %%mm4 \n\t"
> +        "paddsw  %%mm3, %%mm0 \n\t"     /* t5 */
> +        "psubsw  %%mm3, %%mm2 \n\t"     /* t8 */
> +        "paddsw  %%mm5, %%mm1 \n\t"     /* t6 */
> +        "psubsw  %%mm5, %%mm4 \n\t"     /* t7 */
> +
> +        /* Storing results for later */
> +        "movq    %%mm0, (%0     ) \n\t" /* src[0] = t5 */ 
> +        "movq    %%mm1, (%0,%2,2) \n\t" /* src[2] = t6 */
> +        "movq    %%mm4, (%0,%1,2) \n\t" /* src[4] = t7 */
> +        "movq    %%mm2, (%0,%1,4) \n\t" /* src[6] = t8 */

you do not need temporary storeage
the butterflies can be implemented like:

and yes do the odd part first if thats simpler!

> +
> +/* Using (a<<4 - a) and (a<<3 + a) instead of 15*a and 9*a is slower (2% total) */
> +#define LOAD_CONV(A, B, C, D, OFF)                 \
> +        "movq   (%0,"OFF"), %%mm"#A" \n\t"         \
> +        "movq   %%mm"#A", %%mm"#B" \n\t"           \
> +        "movq   %%mm"#A", %%mm"#C" \n\t"           \
> +        "movq   %%mm"#A", %%mm"#D" \n\t"           \
> +        "psllw  $4, %%mm"#A" \n\t"                 \
> +        "pmullw "MANGLE(ff_pw_15)", %%mm"#B" \n\t" \
> +        "pmullw "MANGLE(ff_pw_9)", %%mm"#C" \n\t"  \
> +        "psllw  $2, %%mm"#D" \n\t"
> +
> +        LOAD_CONV(1, 2, 3, 4, "%1")
> +        LOAD_CONV(0, 5, 6, 7, "%2")
> +        "paddw  %%mm5, %%mm1  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm7, %%mm2  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm0, %%mm3  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm6, %%mm4  \n\t"
> +        LOAD_CONV(0, 5, 6, 7, "%3")
> +        "paddw  %%mm6, %%mm1  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm0, %%mm2  \n\t"
> +        "paddw  %%mm7, %%mm3  \n\t"
> +        "paddw  %%mm5, %%mm4  \n\t"
> +        LOAD_CONV(0, 5, 6, 7, "%4")
> +        "paddw  %%mm7, %%mm1  \n\t" /* t1 */
> +        "psubw  %%mm6, %%mm2  \n\t" /* t2 */
> +        "paddw  %%mm5, %%mm3  \n\t" /* t3 */
> +        "psubw  %%mm0, %%mm4  \n\t" /* t4 */


instead of
> +        "movq   (%0,"OFF"), %%mm0 \n\t"         \
> +        "movq   %%mm0, %%mm5 \n\t"           \
> +        "movq   %%mm0, %%mm6 \n\t"           \
> +        "movq   %%mm0, %%mm7 \n\t"           \
> +        "psllw  $4, %%mm0 \n\t"                 \
> +        "pmullw "MANGLE(ff_pw_15)", %%mm5 \n\t" \
> +        "pmullw "MANGLE(ff_pw_9)", %%mm6 \n\t"  \
> +        "psllw  $2, %%mm7 \n\t"
> +        "paddw  %%mm5, %%mm1  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm7, %%mm2  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm0, %%mm3  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm6, %%mm4  \n\t"

you should at least do
> +        "movq   (%0,"OFF"), %%mm0 \n\t"         \
> +        "psubw  %%mm0, %%mm1  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm0, %%mm4  \n\t"
> +        "psllw  $2, %%mm0 \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm0, %%mm2  \n\t"
> +        "paddw  %%mm0, %%mm0  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm0, %%mm4  \n\t"
> +        "paddw  %%mm0, %%mm0  \n\t"
> +        "psubw  %%mm0, %%mm3  \n\t"
> +        "paddw  %%mm0, %%mm1  \n\t"

2 instructions less, 3 registers less, no multiply, no constants read

> +
> +/* Be aware that OUT2>OUT3 while OUT0<OUT1 */
> +#define RELOAD_SAVE(R0,R1, IN0,IN1, OUT0,OUT1, OUT2,OUT3)       \
> +        "movq   (%0"IN0"), %%mm5 \n\t" /* reload tx */          \
> +        "movq   (%0"IN1"), %%mm6 \n\t" /* reload ty */          \
> +        "movq   %%mm5, %%mm0 \n\t"                              \
> +        "movq   %%mm6, %%mm7 \n\t"                              \
> +        "paddw  %5, %%mm5 \n\t"                                 \
> +        "paddw  %5, %%mm6 \n\t"                                 \
> +        "paddw  %6, %%mm0 \n\t"                                 \
> +        "paddw  %6, %%mm7 \n\t"                                 \
> +                                                                \
> +        "paddw  %%"#R0", %%mm5 \n\t"                            \
> +        "paddw  %%"#R1", %%mm6 \n\t"                            \
> +        "psubw  %%"#R0", %%mm0 \n\t"                            \
> +        "psubw  %%"#R1", %%mm7 \n\t"                            \
> +        "psraw  %7, %%mm5 \n\t"                                 \
> +        "psraw  %7, %%mm6 \n\t"                                 \
> +        "psraw  %7, %%mm0 \n\t"                                 \
> +        "psraw  %7, %%mm7 \n\t"                                 \
> +        "movq   %%mm5, (%0"OUT0") \n\t"                         \
> +        "movq   %%mm6, (%0"OUT1") \n\t"                         \
> +        "movq   %%mm0, (%0"OUT2") \n\t"                         \
> +        "movq   %%mm7, (%0"OUT3") \n\t"
> +
> +        /* Output memory must contain input memory
> +           to not overwrite other input */
> +        RELOAD_SAVE(mm1,mm2,  "     ",",%2,2",  "     ",",%1", ",%4",",%2,2")
> +        RELOAD_SAVE(mm3,mm4,  ",%1,2",",%1,4",  ",%1,2",",%2", ",%3",",%1,4")
> +
> +        : "+r"(block)

the +4 can be factored out:
t3= 12*src[0] + 4;
t4= 12*src[4];
t1= t3 + t4;
t2= t3 - t4;

the same is true for the +64 in the secodn loop

> +        : "r"(off), "r"(3*off), "r"(5*off), "r"(7*off),

unneeded wasting of 4 registers to load a constant
and resulting more complex and slower addressing

> +          "m"(mm_rnd1), "m"(mm_rnd2), "m"(mm_shift)
> +    );
> +}
> +
> +static void vc1_inv_trans_8x8_mmx(DCTELEM block[64])
> +{
> +    transpose8x8_mmx(block);

all initial permutations (here a transpose) MUST be merged into the scantable
all other codecs do this too! vc1 wont become an exception

> +    vc1_inv_trans8_1d(block+0,8*2,  4,    4, 3);
> +    vc1_inv_trans8_1d(block+4,8*2,  4,    4, 3);
> +    transpose8x8_mmx(block);
> +    vc1_inv_trans8_1d(block+0,8*2, 64, 64+1, 7);
> +    vc1_inv_trans8_1d(block+4,8*2, 64, 64+1, 7);
> +}
> +
> +DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(const uint64_t, ff_pw_10) = 0x000A000A000A000ALL;
> +DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(const uint64_t, ff_pw_17) = 0x0011001100110011LL;
> +DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(const uint64_t, ff_pw_22) = 0x0016001600160016LL;
> +
> +/**
> + * Input data: R0, R1, R2, R3
> + * Output data: R0, TMP1, R1, TMP3
> + */
> +#define IDCT4_1D(R0, R1, R2, R3, TMP1, TMP2, TMP3, SHIFT)      \
> +     "movq       %%"#R0", %%"#TMP1" \n\t"                      \
> +     "movq       %%"#R1", %%"#TMP2" \n\t"                      \
> +     "paddw      %%"#R2", %%"#R0" \n\t"                        \
> +     "psubw      %%"#R2", %%"#TMP1" \n\t"                      \

> +     "pmullw     "MANGLE(ff_pw_17)", %%"#R0" \n\t"   /* t1 */  \
> +     "pmullw     "MANGLE(ff_pw_17)", %%"#TMP1" \n\t" /* t2 */  \
> +     "movq       %%"#R3", %%"#R2" \n\t"                        \
> +     "pmullw     "MANGLE(ff_pw_22)", %%"#R1" \n\t"   /* t3 */  \
> +     "pmullw     "MANGLE(ff_pw_22)", %%"#R3" \n\t"   /* t4 */  \
> +     "paddw      %%mm7, %%"#R0" \n\t"          /* Add bias */  \
> +     "paddw      %%mm7, %%"#TMP1" \n\t"                        \

same as above the multiply can be done before the butterfly and
thus 1 bias add can be avoided

> +     "pmullw     "MANGLE(ff_pw_10)", %%"#TMP2" \n\t" /* t5 */  \
> +     "pmullw     "MANGLE(ff_pw_10)", %%"#R2" \n\t"   /* t6 */  \


> +     "movq       %%"#R0", %%"#TMP3" \n\t"                      \
> +     "paddw      %%"#R1", %%"#R0" \n\t"           /* t1+t3 */  \
> +     "psubw      %%"#R1", %%"#TMP3" \n\t"         /* t1-t3 */  \
> +     "movq       %%"#TMP1", %%"#R1" \n\t"                      \
> +     "psubw      %%"#R3", %%"#TMP1" \n\t"         /* t2-t4 */  \
> +     "paddw      %%"#R3", %%"#R1" \n\t"           /* t2+t4 */  \
> +     "paddw      %%"#R2", %%"#R0" \n\t"      /* t1+t3 + t6 */  \
> +     "paddw      %%"#TMP2", %%"#TMP1" \n\t"  /* t2-t4 + t5 */  \
> +     "psubw      %%"#TMP2", %%"#R1" \n\t"    /* t2+t4 - t5 */  \
> +     "psubw      %%"#R2", %%"#TMP3" \n\t"    /* t1-t3 - t6 */  \

"paddw      %%"#R2", %%"#R1" \n\t"      /* t3 + t6 */  \
"psubw      %%"#TMP2", %%"#R3" \n\t"    /* t4 - t5 */  \
"movq       %%"#R0", %%"#TMP3" \n\t"                      \
"paddw      %%"#R1", %%"#R0" \n\t"      /* t1+t3 + t6 */  \
"psubw      %%"#R1", %%"#TMP3" \n\t"    /* t1-t3 - t6 */  \
"movq       %%"#TMP1", %%"#R1" \n\t"                      \
"psubw      %%"#R3", %%"#TMP1" \n\t"  /* t2-t4 + t5 */  \
"paddw      %%"#R3", %%"#R1" \n\t"    /* t2+t4 - t5 */  \

please try to simplify your code instead of having others go over it and
do the work
this is a mere factorization of t3+t6 and t4-t5 which you calculate twice

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

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